
Are You Ever Coming Home?

“Mikey…I need you,” Billie whispered into his cell phone, moderately amused that the flimsy object hadn’t been destroyed after being thrown viciously to the ground.

“Where the fuck are you, man?! Your sons, in case you’ve forgotten about them, called me three times wondering where you disappeared to…please tell me you’re not drunk or something,” Mike scolded. Billie could picture Mike’s stance of disapproval on the other line clearly, as if the man’s every expression was ingrained forever in his memory. Mike’s hand firmly grasped his hip as the other clutched a phone to his ear. His head was cocked slightly to one side, his brows were furrowed in frustration, and his lips held a small frown. Billie chuckled to himself, the mental image creating a sudden desire to jump into the man’s pants.

“This isn’t funny, Billie Joe. Where the fuck are you?” Mike pressed, obviously not finding the situation as amusing as his best friend and lover.

“I almost got arrested,” Billie snickered, laughter coming so easily to him after hours of being under pressure.

“You what?! You better not be fucking around,” Mike shouted in alarm.

Billie stopped giggling immediately, remembering the awkward angles of Scarlett’s broken limbs, the pooling blood beneath her backside, her slashed skin…she was the reason he was almost arrested.

“I found a body.”

“Jesus Christ…”

“It was Joey’s new whorefriend, Scarlett. She was still alive when I found her…barely. She was raped and…shit…”

“Jesus Christ.”

“The cops think I did it.”


Say something else! I get accused for rape and attempted murder of a fourteen year old girl, interrogated for two hours, and accused for raping my fucking wife…and all you can say is ‘Jesus Christ.’ Goddamn, Mike,” Billie exploded, but it was merely misplaced anger. Mike knew it and wasn’t offended in the least.

“I’m sorry, Beej…that’s a lot to take in at one moment. Wait…why the hell do they think you raped Adie?” Mike demanded, recalling how the death of Adrienne nearly destroyed Billie as well…it was impossible, if you knew him six months ago, to ever accuse him of doing such a thing. He literally loved his wife more than life itself.

“Apparently, I rape all women that piss me off? I dunno…that was the detectives’ justification for it just because I threatened to kill Scarlett for giving Joey gonorrhea…”

“Joey has--”

“Yes, yes. Try to keep up, Michael. That’s the reason they tried to arrest me…and that’s why I was walking around for three hours before I found her,” Billie interrupted, wanting the story explained as quickly as possible, hating himself more with each passing second.

“Oh…are you ok? That’s a lot to deal with in one day, y’know?”

“Yeah, I’ll get over it, but…I need you. Right now. Come pick me up.”

Now it was Mike’s turn to chuckle before replying, “I’m guessing you’re still at the police station?”

“No shit.”

“Call your sons,” Mike commanded, then the line went silent. Billie sighed, dreading having this same conversation with the boys. It was horrific enough when they insisted upon knowing how their mother died…which also lead to Joey’s revelation of his brother’s biological father. Unfortunately, the older boy taunted the younger about being a rape-baby, and everything spiraled unnecessarily out of proportion from there. Now breaking this news to Joey will be just as bad…perhaps worse.

Joey will blame his father for Scarlett’s attack as well.

Billie mentally prepared himself for the argument before dialing the number of his son’s cell phone, not once looking up from his Converse clad feet throughout the duration of the conversation.


“My hero!” Billie squealed the moment Mike’s car pulled up, jumping merrily up from the bench he was sitting on. Through the windshield, Billie could see Mike smirk and roll his eyes, mocking embarrassment.

“Somebody wants to get laid,” Mike mumbled thickly, so that his words came out as a sexually suggestive purr.

“Only if you think it’ll make me feel better, of course,” Billie assured him with a wink as he slid casually into his best friend’s car.

Mike decided to answer the unasked question with an impulse instead of colorfully decorated words by bringing Billie’s face to his, instantly locking him in a passionate kiss. Billie responded immediately, his shameless tongue wandering hungrily through Mike’s mouth. Coming to the conclusion that this kiss was simply a tease for what was yet to come, Mike pulled away from Billie and began the drive home.

“Your wife would die if she saw that,” Billie sniggered, absently wiping his mouth on his sleeve.

“All the more reason to get caught.”
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Title is skanked from Hello Alone by Anberlin.
Feedback makes me one happy camper.