
All My Fault

Any slight hint of sexual hesitation was short-lived for Billie Joe and his bitter lover, for all they had to do was give Billie’s house a quick once-over to make sure his sons were safely tucked away in bed. Billie was momentarily astonished that both Joey and Jakob were sleeping soundly due to Joey’s recently developed relentless insomnia. His father noticed the sleeplessness coincided with the death of his mother, and didn’t blame the teenager one bit. Billie himself hadn’t received a full night’s sleep in…

His heart skipped a beat as he realized it had been ten years.

Billie was only semi-aware of the hands that were leading him to his bed. His mind kept whirling with the obvious signs he’d purposely ignored, and for what? Fear? Pride? He shuddered, realizing his previously over-inflated ego had been the death of his wife. He didn’t want to be the kind of man who allowed for his wife to get raped, so what did he do? Billie locked the knowledge and the questions away, never to be dwelled upon again until Adrienne finally gave up waiting for him.

“Billie, you’re so tense,” Mike purred into Billie’s ear while his tongue traced the outline of his earlobe.

“I…I’m sorry, Mike. I thought this was what I needed, but I can’t stop thinking about her,” Billie replied hoarsely, though his aroused member said otherwise.

“The girl you found today?” Mike whispered before moving his lips down to Billie’s neck, suckling gently enough to earn a well deserved moan from his partner.

“N-no…Adie. I can’t get her out of my head…Mike, it’s my fault she’s dead,” Billie whimpered, trying desperately, but failing, to resist Mike’s temptation.

“Don’t you ever say that, don’t even think that, Beej. The only person who should be blamed for Adrienne’s death is the man who raped her. You know that,” Mike assured him, pausing his advances long enough to look deep into Billie’s tear-filled eyes. He focused all energy on wordlessly sending the smaller man comfort and warmth, longing for his pain to subside. Billie gave his boyfriend a pathetic little smile in an effort to con him into believing he was capable of not blaming himself.

“You’re right,” Billie lied, planting a kiss tenderly on Mike’s cheek.

“Of course I am. I’d never lie to you,” Mike cooed, running his hands through Billie’s hair.

Billie’s stomach dropped, abruptly feeling ashamed for lying to Mike just seconds before…but he knew it was for the best. Mike didn’t need to be burdened by his demons, nor does he need anything else to worry about. He already had enough on his plate, with a wife he doesn’t love and a new baby he didn’t plan for. It was all simply thrown into his lap, and being the generous soul he is, Mike took it in without complaint. He welcomed the unpleasantness into his life. Billie envied his patience, knowing he wouldn’t have been able to handle such a thing.

Before he could do anything about it, Mike was on top of Billie, straddling his waist and pawing at his clothes. His lips attacked the more vulnerable ones of Billie, willing them to cooperate with their dark intentions. Billie kissed him back, wanting nothing more than for this to be over. He loved Mike almost as much as he’d loved Adrienne, but right at this moment…all he needed was sleep. Unconsciousness. Perhaps even an alcohol or drug induced coma. Anything to take the guilt away…to take him to a place where little girls don’t get raped, sons don’t have to live with a mother’s self inflicted death, and, most importantly, a place where Adrienne was still very much alive.

Sex couldn’t cure that pain, but it wasn’t for lack of trying.

Mike had Billie’s shirt as well as his own thrown haphazardly to the floor in seconds, relishing the feel of skin against skin. His mouth gave Billie’s one last sloppy kiss before travelling to his neck, his chest, his-

“Oh God,” Billie moaned as Mike’s tongue flicked around his hardened nipple, hating himself for enjoying this.

Mike chuckled gutturally at Billie’s gasp, as his lips continued their downward descent to his lover’s throbbing, caged member. His tongue traced a line down Billie’s stomach and circled playfully around his navel as his hands slyly pried the clothes from the trembling man’s lower half. In no time at all, Mike had taken Billie’s entire length into his mouth.

“Fuck!” Billie gasped, pleasure pulsating throughout his very core.

Mike stopped sucking Billie off, smirking deviously as he said, “As you wish.”

Mike stripped his own lower half, his erection visible through the darkness. He crawled further up Billie’s torso, sat carefully on his chest, and thrust his cock to Billie’s quivering mouth.

“Suck,” Mike commanded, his voice powerful…frightening, even.

Billie opened his mouth gradually, allowing Mike’s cock entrance. Its entire length gagged Billie, but only for a moment, for Mike withdrew himself from Billie’s mouth as soon as he was coated with saliva.

“Good boy, now roll over,” Mike said, thoroughly enjoying treating his boyfriend like his bitch.

Billie did as he was told without a second thought, bracing himself for Mike’s rough entrance. He knew Mike didn’t like to waste time with the trivial task of scissoring him beforehand to make sure he was stretched out enough. Mike preferred the squeals and cries of pain and surprise before they escalated to panting satisfaction…which was more than ok for Billie, who felt he deserved the hurt.

Mike plunged deep into Billie, who yelped in response. Though he couldn’t currently see Mike’s face, Billie knew the sound had brightened it. Mike pushed again and again, searching for that special spot that drove his lover insane. It didn’t take him long to find it.

Fuck!” Billie screamed, unable to contain himself. Mike moaned his named in response.

Mike’s thrusts became quickened and more deliberate, now knowing exactly where Billie needed it. He could feel the sweat dripping from his hair onto Billie’s back, and knew he was getting close to an orgasm. Just before he came, he reached an arm around to Billie’s cock, giving it a few encouraging pumps.

Oh fuck, Mike!” Billie moaned, spilling his load into Mike’s hand.

Mike pulled himself out of his lover and wiped his hand on the sheets, the pair of them breathless. He moved his body off to the side so that the smaller man underneath him could roll over to face him. They stared at each other, momentarily at a loss for any words other than, “I love you.”

Billie curled himself up against Mike, whose arms instantly wrapped around him. Miraculously, he had forgotten all about his deceased wife, his son’s girlfriend, and his broken family. Right at that very instant, Mike and his domineering love was all that mattered to Billie. He needed Mike’s authority and strength in a world where he suddenly felt so helpless
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Title credit comes from Jinx by Green Day.
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