The High Princess

The Three Kingdoms of the Top Side

Far away from the prairie where Clara and her family lived, there was a castle. This castle was in a different world, a flat planet with only one large continent on its top side. Nobody knew about its bottom side, because it was impossible to go there. This planet was called Kedurn.

The planet Kedurn was quite a lot smaller than Earth, being a bit bigger than two Australias. On the top of Kedurn, the three kingdoms of Alfide, Minnore, and Reylot were situated as one big continent, one and a half times the size of Australia.

Reylot was the far left, Minoore the smallest and middle country (it was at the top, and didn't go down to the bottom of the land-mass- so in that way, all three countries touched each other), and Alfide being the topmost and the far right of the land-mass.

Reylot had two islands, which were Bakaar and Noppin. Both were habitable. Minoore had one little island, called Billott. It was habitable, as well. Alfide had Bindoore and Karlot, both of which were entirely bird sanctuaries and were uninhabitable.


Many years ago, an awful thing had happened to the three kingdoms, Alfide especially. A witch, a sorceress, had grown jealous of the King and Queen of Alfide's prosperity, and had taken their youngest daughter, Princess Virginia, away. It had happened when she was five; she was now fourteen. Nine agonizing years for the three kingdoms.

Nobody knew where she was- nobody. One night she had simply disappeared out of her bed, wearing her nightgown, and nobody had seen her since.

Nobody dared to look in Circe's Castle; everyone had heard, and was afraid of, the evil sorceress who was said to possess the very powers of Satan himself. Circe Foller the Sorceress was feared widely; but everybody comforted themselves that the evil witch didn't have an heir. Oh, but they didn't know that she did- the young Princess Virginia herself!
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Finished on WEbook.