The High Princess

The Dream

Clara hopped into bed on the night of Christmas Day, and fell asleep soon afterwards. It had been a glorious day; they all had gotten two sticks of candy, and a piece of fruit each from Santa. Samuel had got a necktie from Mama and Papa; Rose a new, flowery full apron; and Carolyn and Clara had got a book of poems each from Vinton, Iowa, where Mama and Papa had gone for a holiday not so long ago.

As Clara fell asleep, she had a sort of- feeling, that something quite out of the ordinary would happen to her that night. But she had no idea as to what it was.


In her dream, Clara found herself at a castle. She gazed up at it; it was very tall; so tall, in fact, that it seemed unworldly. It must have been ten stories up. She gazed around the castle. It was situated in a grassland, a sort of place that she had never been in before.

There came a feeling that she was supposed to enter, and she did. Immediately, though, she felt as if she were soaring upwards many stories. Rooms flashed around her as if she were going through them very fast, and finally she stopped. She walked to the only window and looked out. She quickly stepped back, dizzy, because she was not used to the height. Obviously, she was at the top of a very tall castle.

She looked around the room, and, with a startled gasp, found that she was not alone. A girl attired in simple dress, with yellow-brown eyes not usually seen in this world, and long-flowing dark ginger hair, was sitting on the only piece of furniture in the room, a very crudely-made bed. There seemed to be a dark aura about her, as if her very soul were evil, but, when she saw Clara, all she said were, "Help me. Help me flee my enchantment."

As Clara stared at this unusual request, she found that she was not on the tallest tower at all now, but was instead outside of an open cave (you could see out its other end) situated on a cliff. Around for miles upon miles upon miles, there were fields of wheat, corn, beans, hay, and other types of plants. You could even see the fields on the other side of the cave, where there was a bit of wide-open space to stand on, too.

As she peered into the sunlight on the other side, wondering at the richness of whoever owned the land- for all the plants prospered very well- she started, surprised.

A boy, or a man, she should say, was sitting on the ground, leaning his back against the left side of the cave.

He was tall and lanky, with long, black hair down to his waistline tied into a thick braid, with two large, brown bands tying the top of the braid and the bottom. He had large, blue eyes, a narrow nose, and a nice smile. He was wearing a tan-coloured shirt with sleeves down to his wrists (tied with couse deep brown ribbon, so that the ends of his sleeves poked outward over his rough, caloused hands), a darker brown waistcoat that had a fabric-belt of the same deep brown as his sleeve-bands just above his waist, loosely tied, and deep brown trousers.

It may sound extensive in this day and time for a nineteen-year-old man to be wearing that, but Clara thought nothing of it. It was a simple farmhand's dress.

As she started, he saw her and stood up immediately, as if he had been waiting for her. "Hello." he said. "I am Prince Hans of Reylot. I'm going to need your help."
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This story is finished on WEbook.