The High Princess


It was noon-time that day. Having just had her lunch, which consisted of bread, water, and butter, she decided to go for a walk to the violet slough in the lovely sunshine. Samuel opted to go with her, but nobody else could. Mama was taking her afternoon siesta that she always took after lunch, Papa was going back to work in the fields, and Rose and Carolyn were stitching the quilts that they were making together.

Samuel had been silent, contemplative for all of the walk so far, which was unlike him. When they had nearly reached their destination, Clara asked him about it. "What makes you so quiet?" she wanted to know.

He stared at her a moment, measuring her. "I had a dream last night."

Something in her started. "And what's so different about a dream?" she wanted to know, even though she thought she knew the answer.

"Well, shall I tell you about it?"

"Yes, please, Samuel. If anything could make you this serious, I would like to hear what it is."

He ignored the teasing jibe. "Well, I dreamed I was ouside a castle." He saw her turn white. "What's wrong?"

"Oh- nothing." she stood still for a moment, and gradually her colour returned.

"What's wrong?" he persisted. "I always think women's corsets are pulled too tight-"

"Why, if you weren't my brother, I would slap you right now!"


"I had that same dream, if the dream is what I think it is."

"Really? Well, if you will let me continue-"


"I was at the castle," he continued, "and something told me I should enter. I did, and, all of a sudden I was in the topmost tower. I looked out the window and was shocked at the height. I then looked around the room, and saw a most beautiful girl lying on her bed." He paused, looking into the blue sky. Then he came back down to Earth again. "She saw me, and sat up. She looked me squarely in the eye and asked me to help her back to her Palace or something like that." he looked back at Clara. "Not only that, but she also mumbled something about how she needed a friend." He sighed. "I am not sure I know how I am supposed to fulfill that request. But what got me here," he pointed to his heart, "is that she had the very taste of evil about her." he laughed bitterly. "If you can tell me who she is I would be most grateful. If she is not just a figment of my dreams, that is, which she probably is. Is this the dream you had?"

"Well, sort of. But I can tell you who she is." Clara said. "She is not of this world." she measured Samuel's reaction, and was not disappointed. "She is of a different world, I got that. There is no such thing as the kingdoms of Alfide, Reylot, and Minoor."

"Alfide, Reylot and Minoor?" Samuel looked blank.

"Yes. She is Princess of Alfide, the youngest of them." she waited a moment for that to sink in. "She is Princess Virginia."

"Princess Virginia." he savoured it on his lips.

Clara nodded. "I felt that she was evil, too, when I saw her. But that is a result of a witch, who took her when she was five years old. This witch taught her about the witchcraft, and made it seem good to her." Clara watched as his face convulsed.

Samuel sighed. "And how do I get to her? And, for want of more information, how did you know all that?"

She blushed slightly for the first time. "I had another part of the dream. Prince Hans of Reylot told me."

"Prince Hans of Reylot, eh?" Now Samuel was back to his old, teasy self.

She blushed more under his teasing. "Yes, Prince. He needs me to help look for her."

His face quickly turned serious again. "Will you rescue her for me?" He asked of her.

Clara's face was as impassive as a stone as she replied, "Yes."


The rest of the family noted a comaderie about Clara and Samuel that hadn't been there before. They noticed it, but did not comment.
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This story is finished on WEbook.