‹ Prequel: Falling Out


collision with my past

Tiny droplets of water landed on the sidewalk. Abruptly, the tiny droplets increased in number and were accompanied by the ferocious wind. Alexis Green despised the rain and having the worst luck she happened to be well soaked.

Unfortunately, Alexis didn’t bring an umbrella. Remembering her encounter with the umbrella hours ago, she winced.

”Why the fuck would anyone bring an umbrella in the middle of summer?”Those were the exact words she had said moments ago, deciding to leave her umbrella. She cringed and muttered the same words loudly, definitely annoyed while adding a “Why the hell is it raining in the middle of summer?!”

She was beyond pissed, thus making her actions perfectly irrational. Alexis continued to walk at the sidewalk, stomping vividly like a child.

And to think all these years she’d spent here on Earth would make her less stubborn. Or at least make her a bit rational.


“So we’re gonna kidnap this girl?” Matt asked his sparkling emerald eyes twinkling with curiosity. “Damn right.” His bubbly and energetic friend replied while nodding like an idiot.

“What the hell, Ethan? We’re just gonna kidnap a random girl crossing down the street an then what? She doesn’t even look rich and weren’t you the one who said this girl was completely penniless-“

Fortunately, Ethan had cut him of with a glare. “This girl, Alexis Green, isn’t just a random girl walking down the street-“

“Right, of course. She ‘the’ random girl walking down the street.” Matt replied, but Ethan ignored his statement. “As I was saying, she’s not just some ordinary girl. She’s, uh, special.” Alexis Green for Ethan was beyond special for she was too extraordinary that words could not suffice how she affected him in such a way.

“Plus, we had a history together.” He added with a smug grin on his lips.

“Come on, Ethan. Let’s just kidnap a rich girl who has parents who have millions. We’ll be millionaires!” Matt reasoned, he wasn’t going to kidnap a poor girl. That was just beyond sad.

“No way, we’re kidnapping her and that’s final. Assemble the twins and tell them we’ve got a mission.” Came Ethan’s answer.

Why on Earth was Ethan the leader again? That was the question that Matt had pondered for months, but it was always left unanswered.

“Well isn’t this just dandy?” Alexis questioned. This was the most horrid day for her. For some odd reason Alexis remembered her past each time it rained and well, let’s just say her past isn’t dandy at all.

And slowly-while stomping like a child- she crossed the road. Glaring at each droplet her eyes could linger on, she stomped harder as her thoughts became clouded with her emotions.

Alexis sighed heavily. “I despise the rain.” She muttered under her breathe. Good thing no one was there to think she was a complete psycho.

Unfortunately, she wasn’t alone. And suddenly, being labeled as a person suffering from schizophrenia wasn’t the worst thing.

Because a red SUV containing four different people suddenly appeared infront of her.

And before she even had the chance to ask what the hell was going on, someone grabbed her and put a handkerchief on her mouth.

And of course, you know what happened next.

Darkness engulfed her and for the first time in her life, Alexis had passed out.

And there you have it folks.

That is how you get kidnapped.
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words of wisdom from your author: That my friends, is a lesson. Now you know how to get kidnapped. Remember the steps vividly. First, randomly walk on the streets while raining. Second, stomp like a child while crossing the road Third, walk slowly while being clouded in your thoughts.