‹ Prequel: Falling Out


a fair addition to the group

Ethan was the type of person who loved to boast. He was so boastful and full of him and usually these things he boasted about were completely idiotic.

And this was certainly not an exception.

As soon as he and his little team had formulated their plan of redemption, he ran off saying he had to arrange a few things.

The few things he had to arrange were bragging. Yes, clearly he loved to brag a little too much and much to Alexis’ dismay Ethan had just pranced around that they knew how to get back to heaven.

And much more to her dismay, Ethan just told this to the other fallen angels that loitered in this land.

With Alexis’ (non existent) luck, fallen angels managed to somehow find her and bombard her with questions.

”Hey! You’re the one who knows how to get out of this shithole, don’t you?” A tall random guy conjured in front of her. “Uh-“ Before our heroin had time to answer, the black haired boy continue “You’re that ‘girl’, the one named, Alexa.”

“Alexis” She corrected. “And who are you, might I ask?”

“Jonathan Brown.” He introduced, smirking. “I’m a fallen.” Jonathan stated. To which Alexis replied “Yes, well, I’m not an idiot. I already knew that.”

“Well, since you already knew that and I already know your plan and I already know you and you already know me, why don’t we get well acquainted with each other?” He asked wiggling his eyebrows.

“One, no. Two, I just met you and I clearly don’t know you. Three, who the hell told you that?!” Alexis was not one to be messed with and she did not like it when her plans were messed up as well.



Punch. Thwack.

“Once again, Ow! What the hell?!” Ethan rubbed his arm, which was red because Alexis was murdering him.


“You deserve it!” Alexis screamed.

“What? I can’t help it! I can’t help boasting that we know a way to return to the gates of heaven!”

“One, you’re an idiot. Two, we’re not even sure that the way we know ‘is’ heaven. Three, why can’t you just shut that huge mouth of yours?” Counting was clearly Alexis’ domain, not that it was the proper time to tell her that.

“I’m sorry!” He raised his hands up. “I admit it, I’m an idiot.”

Alexis had calmed down. “Good.” She stopped killing Ethan. Well, it makes sense now. Clearly, all Alexis wanted was that he’d admit his idiocy so that she could constantly remind this fact to him.

“So, what are you planning to do with me?” Jonathan smiled, his smile was somewhat a smirk.

“First of all, did you tell other fallens that?” Alexis turned to him, glaring a little at Ethan. “Nope.” Jonathan replies, smugly.

“Can we keep him?” Ethan asked, as if Jonathan was a pet he wanted to keep just for entertainment.

“Fine.” She gave up for the first time, to which Ethan squealed in excitement, delight and happiness. “But you’re feeding him.”

Ethan gasped “Oh come on. Just half, how ‘bout that?”

“No. He’s your problem. Deal with him.” Alexis smirked smugly.

“Please, please, please? I promise, I wont ever do anything stupid ever again if you agree to the half feeding part.” He pleaded.

“Your idiocy is part of your whole being. No one can alter that fact so, no.”

“Please, I’m begging you.”


“Oh, please, please, please?”


“Please, please, have mercy?”

“Uhm, I’m going to have to think about this.” She pondered for a second. “No.”

“I’ll do anything!” Clearly, he was desperate.


“Yes. A lifetime of servitude? Damned to be your maid? Anything!” Yes, desperate as hell.

“Really?Anything?" She looked at him questioningly.


“Then feed him.”

“Gah! Come on, I’m not joking around. Please? I beg of you.” Ethan was beyond helpless.


“What? What did you just say?”

“I said fine. Half it is.” She said coldly. “But I have three requests.”

“What? I’ll do anything.”

“One, your lifetime servitude and being damned as my maid is good and two, make him part of the group.” Alexis pointed to Jonathan. He was an ally now and one of their comrades.

“Three, I want to be the leader.”

“What?” The leader? Her?

“Well, you said anything.”

“Ugh! Fine!” He huffed. “He’s in, lifetime service and you’re the new leader.”

“Good.” Alexis smiled, a genuine smile. “Now gather my minions, you two.”

“Minions?” Both of them asked, somewhat scared of their new leader now. “What the hell?” Jonathan spoke. What had he gotten himself into?

“Yes, the three others.” She answered. “Michael and April will be more than glad that I’ve been put into the position of leader. They might be surprised. And Matt.”

Ethan huffed, his ego damaged. Jonathan chuckled, muttering the words “This is one amusing team.” “Of course it is.” Alexis replied, shocking him.

He expected her not to hear since it was so… nevermind. He shook the thoughts off while Alexis said

“Because this is my team.”
♠ ♠ ♠
words of wisdom from your author: Don’t you just love me? I updated. YEY! Okay so they are 1… 2… 5… 6 in the group now. Gah, Alexis I admire you. The next chapters will show her kickass skills in ,well, kicking butt. Yes, Ethan’s too childish to be a leader, therefore I’m demoting him.