‹ Prequel: Falling Out


the long awaited night

The long awaited night






“Okay, why don’t you try to dodge this time?” Alexis told the fallen guardian angels trying her best to make it sound that she wasn’t mocking them or being sarcastic.

This irritated Matt, so on impulse he threw a punch at the petite girl. Unfortunately for him, Alexis managed to swiftly dodge his throw.

“Oh. Yeah, try to at least land a punch.”

April panted. “I think..I-I had enough. For-for today I mean.” All the fallen ones were exhausted except for Alexis who seemed more satisfied and enthusiastic.

The four newbies were beyond exhausted and were panting and sweating excessively. “Okay. We’ll take a break.”

“Jesus. You murdered us.” Ethan glared at her while chugging down the remains of his water bottle. Alexis rolled her eyes at her old friend. “Well, the children needed to learn how to protect their selves.” She answered back.

“Right and me? Oh, wait. Are you testing if I’m rusty or what?”

“That and I just love to murder you on a daily basis.”

“You can be mean sometimes.” Ethan whined. “I’m always mean.” She stated bluntly.

Ethan ignored her. “Ignorance is a bliss, aye?” Alexis whispered to herself.

“Okay! Now let’s do one on one’s. Jonathan, you first!”

“Bossy much?” Who had the guts to answer that?


“Okay. How ‘bout you actually dodge this time?” Jonathan’s skill in the lethal art of hand to hand combat was non existent.

“I’ll do my best.” He winked and Alexis took that opportunity to punch him in the stomach. Jonathan coughed a few times and stumbled backwards after receiving the blow.

Alexis twitched. That’s your best? “That all you got?”

“Do you really have to punch so hard?”

“Do you really have to be a wuss?” She asked back holding a hand at him.

“Cant you play nice?” He asked her, ignoring her question while holding on to her hand.

“Sorry. No can do.” She replied smirking. “I rock at kicking ass.”




“Hey, I actually dodged that one.” He sounded so enthusiastic, but unfortunately Alexis was unfazed and she simply kicked him.

“Keep your head in the fight.” Alexis stated while beating him senseless. Ugh. If this was a real fight he’d be dead. She thought grimly.

After a few minutes of satisfaction-for Alexis- and pain-for Jonathan, they were both panting.

Jonathan was exhausted and tortured, Alexis on the other hand, was ecstatic. She was absolutely enjoying everything.

Well, everything except him weird flirty comments.

But putting that aside.

Alexis was so happy it was weird and although Jonathan wasn’t the brightest crayon in the box, but he managed to see the obvious.

And so seeing the obvious, he stated the obvious.

“You’re weird.” He said while trying to block her punches and kicks.

“Right and you aren’t.” She said in a sarcastic voice while slashing him with her attacks.

“No it’s just-Ow!” He almost dodged her punch. “I was trying to elaborate something here. At least let me explain why I find you weird.”

“Sure thing. Go ahead.” She signaled.

“While we’re on battle mode?” What were the odds of him offending Alexis and her beating the living daylights out of him? I say give or take a hundred percent.

“While we’re on battle mode.” She reassured him. Well, tried to.

“That’s not reassuring!” He was acting completely unlike himself. Actually, he was acting childishly and so Ethan-like. Alexis winced, thinking if there was yet another Ethan.

“It’s just you go ‘I hate the world and everything’, but when fighting you go ‘Yeah. I rock. I kick ass.’ I don’t get you.” It seemed Jonathan’s ego and flirty persona had died.

And so did her smirk. So she faked a smile and let out a humorless laugh.

“Yup. That’s me.” Even though I have no clue who I am right now.
A couple days passed and the four had become more acquainted with each other.

Their skills had greatly improved all thanks to Alexis’ death defying battle combat teaching.

All of them were ready.

All of them were prepared.

“We’re here.” Ethan stated, pointing the place out to the four.

They were here.

“We have to do this.” Alexis said.

Because this is all we’ve got.

They were all prepared.

Because this was the night,

The night they had long waited for.

Because this was the night,

The only night,

That they had.

Because this was the night,

Their last night on Earth,

That would lead them to heaven-or hell.

Because this was the night,

They would be able to see the archangels and elder angels and redeem their selves.

Because this was the night.
♠ ♠ ♠
words of wisdom from your author: Yeah, I ran out of ideas. And sorry for the lack of updates. My mom took me somewhere and her computer was retarded so, yeah.