My Mum Did What? An Arranged Marriage? No Way!

My mum did what?!... Arranged marriage! NO WAY .1.

"I repeat for the final time... WHAT?!" I couldn't understand what my dad was telling me.
"Sweetie, you have to understand, your mother arranged a marriage for you when you turned 18 it would become in effect. It was contract bound and only she could stop this. I've tried so many times to stop this but nothing and no-one pumpkin can stop this." My dad sighed defeated. "Alexandra trust me I've tried I am the last person who is willing to have you leave here."
He looked in my eyes pleading.
"Okay daddy, I will do this for you and only you. But they have to let me stay here sometimes. I can't leave you on your own."
"Good. Well, Alexandra you leave tonight so I suggest that yo start packing and maybe ring Suzie and Jenny to help because you will need to say goodbye."
With that sentence hanging in the air I made my way out of the living room and started walking upstairs to my room. WhenI got there I looked around found my phone and rang both Jenny and Suzie, both had said "We will be there in half hour!"
I sat on my bed and looked at my room, the room I've grown up in and had sleepovers in. This will be hard to leave.
I heard the doorbell ring downstairs as I was getting bags out of my wardrobe. I waited and it only took a few seconds for Suzie and Jenny to burst in the room and run over to you. You all sorted out things you were taking and when it was all finished the room looked bare.
"So, that's everything yeah Lexi?" Jenny asked and I nodded my head. I then noticed Suzie sitting perched on the box she had filled earlier her head in her hands.
"Sue? You okay sweetie?" I asked while wrapping an arm over her shoulders.
She said nothing.
"Sue... What is it hunnie?" Jen asked tentively
Suzie looked up in disbelief.
Sue turned and faced me sorrow on her face and said "Lexi I'm going to miss you SO much it's unreal... I can't believe your leaving me with her!" Sue said with disgust while pointing at Jenny. Jenny looked shocked to say the least until Sue muttered "Joking!"
I sat on my now empty bed with Jenny and Suzie on either side.
"Suzie, you can visit me I promise... It will be like I've left"
Suzie started to cry... which in turn made me cry and last but not least Jenny started to cry. We all stood up and hugged each other giving each the comfort they needed. We don't know how long we were standing there but my bedroom door was suddenly open and a gorgeous emo looking boy was watching us. We all broke apart looking at each other speechless. Then he spoke "Your dad said can you come downstairs"
He then made his way downstairs again with the three of us just staring wide eyed at the door.
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I've written this story on quizilla and just wanted to see the reaction on here.. The first few chapters are some-what short but they do get longer!!