My Mum Did What? An Arranged Marriage? No Way!

My mum did what?!... Arranged marriage! NO WAY .13

Lexi's pov...

Once again I awoke with arms wrapped around me. The scent that I was slowly coming accustomed to filled the room. Opening my eyes I noticed my head on Jake's chest, peeking around the room without moving too much I realised we were in his room.
"Aachooo" I sneezed. Covering my mouth I started to laugh. Damn.
I felt the bed start to shake with my silent laughter and Jake began to stir.
"Aachoo!" I sneezed again.
Jake shot up, released me from hisgripand looked around the room. Again I laughed knowing he was awake I couldn't help but laugh out loud. Seeing his face was priceless. When he finally looked at me I was rolling around the bed holding my stomach. Jake just looked at me funny that was until I fell off the bed.
"Ouch... that hurt!" I yelped.
In a second Jake was standing over me with his hands held out.
"Need a hand?"
Grabbing both of his hands in my own I pushed myself up as he pulled.
"Thanks." I said once I caught my breath. "Erm... why am I in your room? I swear I was downstairs before?" I asked confused.
"You were... you sort of fell asleep while you was waiting." Jake replied awkwardly.
My mouth hung open.
"Omg! I'm soo sorry Jake! I don't normally fall asleep! Omg I feel soo bad I'm really sorry." I began to ramble.
Jake's lips suddenly crashed onto mine, automatically my arms wrapped around his neck as his wrapped around my waist.
We we're oblivious to anything around us, so when Jake's mum opened the door neither of us heard her until she panicked.
"Oh... I'm sorry kids... I didn't know you two we're... erm well I'll... I guess I'll leave you to it."Jake and myself broke apart and kept a few feet between us, we both looked at each other and then at Cathy.''Please come downstairs when you're ready. We have important matters to discuss."
Awkwardness filled the room, neither of us knew what to do.
After a few minuets I broke the silence.
"Well, I'll erm... get a shower and I'll meet you downstairs then."
As I began to walk to the door an arm wrapped itself around my waist.
"Want some company?"
"I don't think so Jake."
"Awww man..."
I spun around in Jake's grasp and looked at him, humour filled his eyes.
"I'm not ready for any of that Jake, I'm sorry but I'm not. We need to talk about where all of this leaves things, I don't want to feel as though I don't know what's happening."
"Deal, I wanted to talk to you about it this morning. But, hey you fell asleep." Jake began to laugh.
I pushed him and his grip on me fell.
"I'll see you downstairs Jake."
"Not if I see you upstairs."
Shaking my head I walked out of Jake's bedroom and into my own, grabbing my towel and clothes, I went into the bathroom.
I opened the bathroom door after dressing and I walked into someone's chest, looking up I noticed Jake.
"Ha ha very funny Jake." I said sarcastically.
Instead of responding he took my hand and led me downstairs and into the living room, sitting down on the love seat that was vacant Jake pulled me onto his lap.
"Hello kids!" Simon greeted us as he walked into the room with Cathy following behind.
"Hey" We said simultaneously.
Cathy had numerous pieces of paper in her hands that she was now laying down on the coffee table that was inbetween us. Looking down at one of the I noticed a bunch of my friend's name's including my dad.
"What is this about?" I asked curiously.
"Well, you see kids..." Cathy started until Simon cut her off.
"It's your engagement party!" He said enthusiastucally.

"Huh?!" I squeaked.

Cathy looked at methe worry in her eyes evident.
"When's this happening?" Jake asked.
How the hell can he not be bothered with this?!
Cathy cleared her throat and replied "2weeks Friday."
"2weeks?!" I squeaked again.
"Friday" Simon added.
Simon looked at Jake.
"Hey son, can I talk to you while your mum talks to Lexi."
I looked at Jake just in time to see him nod his head in agreement. His arms that we're placed around my waist squeezed slightly and he placed his hands on my waist to lift me up before standing up himself.
"You will be fine, don't worry okay?" He whispered in my ear as he sat me back down. I nodded my head in fear that if I spoke they would know that inside I was panicking.
Once they had left Cathy motioned for me to go round her side of the table. Once there she wrapped an arm around my shoulders giving them a quick squeeze before beginning the first step to hell.
"Okay let's begin shall we..."
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Okay people just so you know on quizilla I'm up to chapter 29 I'm trying to do them all today (: ..x