My Mum Did What? An Arranged Marriage? No Way!

My mum did what?!... Arranged marriage! NO WAY .14

Jake's pov...

"What's up dad?"
Watching my dad pace the room bewildered me, finally after a few minuets he sat down in the seat that was opposite me.
"Right son, well, you're both getting quite cozy with each other yes?"
Nodding my head he carried on...
"Well, we actually haven't given her a ring. We need to go out and get one while your mother and Lexi are busy. We also need to make up plan of HOW you're going to give it to her."
"You mean you want me to be all romantic about it?"
"Yes, you need to put some effort into it... tell me how it's going between you two anyway."
Taking a deep breath I fought an inner battle, should I tell him? What would happen if I do... I mean nothing else could happen surely.
"Well... we're getting along to the point of actually liking each other. I enjoy her company, I'm sure she feels the same she's told me, not in so many words but she's told me."
"Well, that is good news your mother will be pleased. Now wait here while I tell her we're leaving, we've got a ring to buy!" He said enthusiastically.
Watching him leave the room my brain rummaged around for a romantic idea, anything that would make her happy.

Lexi's pov...

Hell. That is where I am. Table decorations, bridesmaides, maid of honour, flowers, churches, dinners, cars, makeup and you know what we're not even done. At the moment Cathy had just left the room, I was lying down on the floor face down wishing for the hell not to come back. No more wedding stuff. We haven't even spoken about the engagement party!
I looked up to see Simon in the room, once he spotted me he smiled.
"Where's Cathy?"
"I don't know..." I cried.
"Okay... if you could tell her we're going out? Something important."
I stood up as Simon made his way out of the room.
"Wait! Where are you going?! Can I come?! Please say you can take me! I don't want to be here listening to this anymore!"
I began crawling on my knee's hands together toward Simon. A grin plastered across his face. A door opened and I noticed Jake walking out of a room, our eyes locked and a cheeky grin crossed his face.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"Begging your dad if I can come too... I can't handle anymore of this stuff. My brains going freaking numb!"
Sitting back on my legs and eventually crossing my legs underneath me I crossed my arms aswell.
"Lexi dear, where have you gone?" Cathy called.
My eyes widened as I looked at Simon and Jake.
"Please save me" I muttered pouting.
"Oh there you are! What in the world are you doing out here? Sitting on the floor?" Cathy asked confused.
"I erm... I wanted to..." My eyes scanned the room for something, anything I could say. Gotcha! "I want these flowers!"
Jake's head snapped back to me from following my hand to the flowers.
"You want Daffodils?" Simon asked.
"Erm... oh are they daffodils? I don't want them then I'm erm..." Try and play dumb...
"You want lillies don't you Lex?" Jake asked.
Wow how did he know what my favorite flowers were?
Nodding my head Cathy got excited at the new development.
"Oh dear, I've decided that we're going shopping!" Cathy exclaimed.
My mouth fell open in shock.
"Really?! As in really go shopping?"
Cathy nodded her head and I jumped up from my slumped position on the floor and began to jump around.
"Dress shopping!" Cathy threw at me as I jumped around, I came to a halt.
Did I just hear her right?
"Dress shopping Alexandra, wedding gowns, bridesmaid, oh not forgetting your dress for Friday!"
Once again my eyes widened, in the corner of them I saw Jake silently laughing.
"Dress... shopping... brides... oh em gee... I don't feel well can't I just lay down or something?"
"Don't be stupid Alex, this is YOUR wedding we're talking about!" Cathy exclaimed.
"I'm not stupid! I don't care if it's the... prince's wedding I don't feel well. I'm not going!" I stated as I crossed my arms over my chest.
"Lex, just go... if you do it now you won't have to do it later" Jake said exasperated.
"But!..." I started
"No Lexi you're going! Otherwise you won't get the gift I'm buying today!" Jake cut in.
"Who said I wanted a gift... last time you wanted to give me something I fell ASLEEP!"
The frustration showing in his eyes, Jake made his way into the coat closet. When he came back out he had my coat in his hand and he started to walk towards me.
I started to back away, I was alright until I hit the wall. A smile formed on Jake's face as he put my jacket on me.
"If I do this you better be sitting with me through the rest of this stuff. I'm going crazy!" I whispered in his ear.
"I will, I promise. I've got to go see you later."
A kiss on the lips and he was gone.