My Mum Did What? An Arranged Marriage? No Way!

My mum did what?!... Arranged marriage! NO WAY .16

Lexi's pov...

'Meet me downstairs.'
Quickly checking my makeup and clothes one last time I grabbed my clutch bag and made my way out of the door. Double checking I had everything I needed, once I was sure I closed my bedroom door and began to make my way downstairs.
Once I was nearly at the bottom I called Jake's name. Nothing. Sitting myself down on the second to last step I dug through my clutch to find my phone. Scrolling down to Jake's name, no answer.
5... 10minuets passed, nothing. No sign of Jake at all. Getting fed up of waiting I stood up and began to walk upstairs again, that was until someone cleared their throat. Slowly turning around I let out the breath I didn't even realise I had been holding.
Standing there was Jake... not just any Jake, Jake in a suit holding a bunch of lillies in his hand.
"Do you enjoy making your dates think that you've stood them up?" I asked flatly.
Jake's face held a satisfied grin as he walked towards me holding the lillies out infront of him.
"All part of the fun."
I scoffed "of course it is."
"You look amazing." Jake stated as he grabbed one of my hands while pushing the lillies into the other. Gently tugging my hand I began to walk towards the front door.
"Where are we going?" I asked as we started to walk towards the car.
Opening the passenger door for me, I slid inside. Jake shut the door and made his way to his side and began to drive to the surprise destination. Silence flitterd through the car, the only sound was of the quiet love songs playing on the radio.
We began to slow down at what seemed to be a park, it was secluded surrounded by trees. Jake stopped the car and got out opening the door for me and holding out his hand to help me out.
Taking his free hand I let him help me and we began to walk towards the area. Walking through some trees I noticed a little cabin, outside was a little table with candles placed on top with a waiter standing by. Once at the table Jake pulled out a seat and motioned with his hand for me to sit down, once seated he pushed in the chair and sat on his own. The menu's were placed infront of us and the waiter left without a word.
"What do you think?" Jake asked, the nervousness evident in his features.
"I love it Jake, it's amazing here."
Letting out a sigh of relief Jake settled into his seat a little and took my free hand into his.
"We are the only one's that will be out here, the restaurant have closed the area off for us tonight."
A smile spread across my face, looking around me, it really was beautiful here.
"I'm sorry Mr Peterson..." the waiter started.
Both Jake and myself looked at him and he continued.
"Have you decided on what you would like to order? Drinks perhaps?"
Looking down at the menu it was hard to see what I would have liked. Finally looking up at Jake I decided in my own mind what to do.
"You decide for me."
Surprise flashed across his face, replaced by a cheeky grin.
"Okay, two cokes and two pollo pesto's please."
The waiter nodded in acknowledgement and walked away.
"I'm sorry about leaving you today, if I had my way you wouldn't have to have done it."
Taking a deep breath I looked up and his hand squeezed mine.
"It's fine, you was right. I found the perfect dress, for both."
A smile crept onto his face yet again. Silence filled the air, not the awkward kind, the silence where you don't actually need to say anything.
"So I get my surprise right?"
Jake laughed at my question and nodded his head.
"Yes you do..."
I cut him off "and you're staying with me through the rest right?"
"Yeah, you can't get rid of me now."
Nodding my head in satisfaction I began to look around me again.
"Here are your drinks." The waiter said as he placed the two cokes on the table.
"Thank you" I replied.
Not long after our dinner had arrived also, once we had finished eating I noticed Jake acting jumpy.
"Are you alright?" I asked leaning forward to get a better look at him.
Jake's head snapped up and our eyes locked.
"Yeah, never better."
"Ok Jake whatever you say!" I replied sarcastically leaning back in my chair once again. My head resting on the back of the chair I looked up at the sky and counted the stars.
"You're dessert Madame."
Looking at thetable I saw a sundae, with wafer straws. Automatically picking the straw up first I noticed something drop off the end and shine in the candle light. Picking it up in my fingers I saw a ring.
Narrowing my eyes I looked at Jake.
But he wasn't infront of me anymore, looking around I found him crouched next to the table.
"What in the world are you doing?!" I yelled confused.
Clearing his throat Jake replied.
"Asking you to marry me properly."
My eyes widened as my mouth dropped.
"Alexandra Faith Waters, I know this marriage is arranged and everything but..." Jake moved forward taking the ring from me and taking one of my hands. "I want you to know that, as much as I hated you at first I've somehow fallen for you. When we're together you make me feel different. I hate when you're mad at me, I love to look at you. I could be happy just looking at you all the time. You make me complete. When we first kissed, with you it's as though we we're meant to be. We just had a misunderstanding bring us together. So allin all I think I might be falling in lovewith you Alexandra and trust me, I've never meant anything more in my life. I want you to be my wife. So will you take this ring?"
Tears we're freely falling from my eyes as I looked down at my hands.
"You just explained everything I feel." I said with a laugh. Jake let go of my hand and began to wipe away my tears, kissing my cheeks he knelt down once more.
"So will you?" He asked once my tears had finished flowing.
"Yes I will marry you."
Placing the ring onmy left hand Jake stood up bringing me with him and kissed me.
I have a feeling I could live like this forever.