My Mum Did What? An Arranged Marriage? No Way!

My mum did what?!... Arranged marriage! NO WAY .17

Lexi's pov...

Marriage. Who would have thought one little thing could make you on one side happy, the other hated the idea.
Sitting in the car once again in silence, the radio once again playing love songs. The difference this time? I had a beautiful ring on my finger and Jake was holding my hand as he drove home. Every now and again I would take quick glances at Jake, a smile plastered across his face, you would have thought he had won the lottery.
Pulling into the driveway Jake slowed the car down to a stop, both of us sat there waiting. What we were waiting for was another question.
"Are you happy about this?" Jake asked suddenly.
Turning to face him I noticed worry in his eyes.
"Of course I'm happy..."
Sighing I looked out of the windscreen looking at the house infront of us.
"We're young, we we're forced into this in the first place, don't get me wrong this has done me the world of good. I just wish that we would have met differently. Not in this situation."
Turning back to face Jake I saw sadness fill his eyes before he quickly looked away. Squeezing his hand I took a deep breath.
"Jake, listen to me. I don't regret any of this for one minuet, part of me just wished that we met normally, had dates, got into fights without knowing we we're forced to marry each other even if we didn't like each other. I think I love you and that is something that beats this situation."
"I know, you're just saying things I thought of before. I just wondered if you regreted it."
Undoing my seatbelt I shifted myself onto my knees on the seat.
"The answer is no. I don't regret it!" I replied looking him in the eye. Quickly kissing him I opened the car door and made my way to the house. Hearing him jump out the car and lock it I began to run as fast as I could in these heels towards the house. Hearing his footsteps behind me I tried to go faster, he grabbed my waist and stopped me running.
"That was unfair!" He whined.
I couldn't help but laugh twisting around in his hold I looked up at his face.
"Why was that Mr Peterson?"
"Well, Miss Waters. For your information I was going to carry you inside to save your feet but hey you're running I won't have to now." Unwrapping his arms from my waist he took a step back.
"Now you're being unfair!" It was my turn to whine. Playfully stomping my feet and crossing my arms across my chest I looked in a different direction.
"Aww does my poor baby want to be carried?"
"Why yes she does..."
"Too bad." Jake smirked.
He began walking towards the house, not looking back. I stood where I was standing my ground.
Turning around when he was at thr front door he finally noticed I wasn't following him.
"Why are you just standing there for?!" Jake yelled.
"For what?!" Jake yelled again confusion filling his tone.
"My carry." I replied simply.
"You're kidding me?!"
Closing my eyes I shook my head, I heard Jake huff. I opened my eyes to see him walk back down to where I stood. A smirk played on my lips as Jake reached me.
"You're unreal you know that."
Jake bent his legs to pick my up bridal style.
"Oh well, you love me for it and it gives you practice."
Ignoring my comment Jake began to walk back up to the front door, surprisingly the door opened as soon as we got there. Jake put me to my feet and we stepped inside.
"Alexandra we have a surprise for..."
Turning to face the kitchen door my jaw dropped.
"Oh my god!" I ran towards Sue and Jenny.
"I missed you guys soo much!" I squealed as they ran towards me as well, crashing into each other laughing.
"I'll leave you all too it, Alexandra your friends are here for the weekend they will leave Monday night. Goodnight everyone." Cathy walked out of the room a pleased look on her face.
"Omg! You've got a rock?!" Jenny yelled.
Looking back at them both surprised by the outburst I couldn't control the grin that spread across my face.
"Yes, tonight actually."
Someone cleared their throat and we all looked to see Jake.
"Oh, sorry Jake. This is Suzie, we call her Sue, and this is Jenny." I said motioning to them both. "Guys this is Jake."
"Hey" they both replied dreamily.
"Erm, I guess I'll see you tomorrow babe. Sleep tight." Quickly wrapping his arms around me he kissed me, waved goodbye to my friends and retreated upstairs.
"Gossip time!" Sue squealed.