My Mum Did What? An Arranged Marriage? No Way!

My mum did what?!... Arranged marriage! NO WAY .18

Jake's pov...
I could hear every word they we're saying, here I was laying in bed. An empty bed, trying to sleep but I couldn't.

Lexi's pov...
Sitting here in my room with my two best friends. You would think I was over the moon, once again I looked at the ring on my finger not really listening to the conversation filling the room.
"Lex? Lex?! LEXI!"
"Huh?" I snapped out of my daydreams.
"We know you love the rock okay but can you stop staring at it 24/7" Jenny joked.
"Sorry guys, I guess it's just been a eventful day. It's all catching up on me, oh that reminds me we've got to go bridesmaid dress shopping this weekend." I told them with a grimace.
"Holy moly really?" Suzie asked.
I nodded my head in response.
Not a second later they both jumped up grabbing each other and jumped around the room squealing.
"Okay guys! That's enough now lets go to bed! I'll take you to your room okay?"
Nodding in response I began to walk out the room quietly putting my head next to Jake's door to hear any movement.
"Hey leave loverboy to sleep!" Jenny yelled at me. Jumping at her sudden outburst I managed to hit my head on the door.
"Ow! Jenny I swear I'm going to kill you."
Hearing sudden movement coming from the other side of the door I quickly grabbed Sue's and Jenny's arms and pulled them around a corner.
"Okay you two please, please be good. We're going to go to your room and then I'm going to bed." I whispered.
Hearing a door creak open I poked my head around the corner to see what was happening. Jake luckily enough was facing my door, grabbing the two girl's arms before I briskly walked to their room.
"Why can't we stay with you tonight Lex we haven't had a sleepover since ever!" Sue whined.
"No, I'm sorry you two but the answers no. I've got a lot of things in my head I need to sort out by myself. When you wake up though wake me up yeah?"
Whilst they nodded I grabbed each one and gave them a hug and a kiss on the cheek before walking back to my room. Breathing a sigh of relief once inside I changed and got into bed. Turning of the lamp next to my bed, I laid there lost in my thoughts. Snuggling into my covers I closed my eyes and wished sleep to come.
I don't know how long I laid there for, missing the familiar smell and the protective arms around me. Fed up of the loneliness I threw the covers off and made my way to my bedroom door. Sneeking downstairs in the darkness trying to find my way into the kitchen I bumped into something.
"Oh crap!" The voice groaned as I said "I'm so sorry!"
"Jake?" "Lex?" We said simultaneously.
"What are you doing up?!" We said again.
Both laughing at each other I heard him say "go first."
"I came down to get something to drink, I erm... couldn't sleep." I admitted sheepishly. "What about you?"
"The same thing only I've had something I'm heading back up."
"Oh, erm... I'll let you go back to bed then." I replied sadness creeping into my voice.
"No... no it's fine, I'll stay with you."
"You don't have to Jake it's fine if you want to go to bed." I tried to reassure him.
"But I want to."
Sighing in defeat I took a step around him and began once again to find my way to the kitchen. Once there I flicked the light switch and covered my eyes from the brightness.
"Ow... why are lights so bright!" I groaned.
"So you can see." Jake replied sarcastically.
"Thanks for insight." I snapped.
I heard Jake sigh as I opened the fridge and grabbed the milk, when I turned around a glass was already placed on the counter.
"It's fine."
Placing the milk back once the glass was full I took a sip and relaxed into the counter. Once again that night I found myself staring at the ring.
"I missed you tonight." I heard Jake mutter.
"What?" I asked innocently.
"I... missed you tonight, I couldn't sleep it was weird." I looked up to see Jake's back facing me.
"Join the club..."
"Let's go to bed." Jake smirked at me grabbing my drink and pulling my free hand with his own. Managing to flick the light switch off as he pulled me out of the room we quietly made our way into my room. Placing the drink onto the bedside cabinet, Jake pulled me into his arms and placed his chin on my head.
"Is your head okay?" He asked I could sense the smile on his lips.
"What?" I was confused as hell.
"Your head when you hit it on my door?" He replied shaking with laughter.
"Hmmph... I'm fine. Don't get too cocky I could always throw you out of my room."
"You wouldn't."
"Why wouldn't I?"
"Because both of us would be sleep deprived without the other." Jake replied matter-of-factly.
"Great, my nights of ever being able to sleep alone are ruined." I muttered relaxing in his hold. Suddenly he moved and picked me up placing me in bed before climbing in the otherside. Once again wrapping his arms around me I felt at peace.

(a/n - this is the link for the ring...)