My Mum Did What? An Arranged Marriage? No Way!

My mum did what?!... Arranged marriage! NO WAY .2.

.:.Jake pov.:.
We walked into a little house... not just any house my fiancee's house! Ewww!
I can't actually believe I'm being forced to marry this girl!
We were all sat in the living room when the man who greeted us came in with drinks.
"I will just go and get Lex... I mean Alexandra, she's just with her friend's packing at the moment" the man said.
It was then I felt myself getting nudged in the ribs, I glared at my mother.
"Sweetie, why don't you go and get Alexandra?" She asked.
The man stopped where he was while I searched my head for a decent reply.
"Errm... sure?" i replied hesitantly
"Thank you Jake, it's the door left of the stairs" The man said.
As I stood and made my way into the hallway to the stairs, while making my way up I heard yelling and crying... okay then...
I made it to Alexandra's door and pushed it open. I then came face to face with 3 girls crying and hugging each other. That was until they broke apart and all stared at me. I cleared my throat wondering who the other girls where and said "Your dad said can you come downstairs"
Still they just looked at me and I turned away making my way back downstairs again. As I walked into the living room I saw everyone look at me. I sat down next to my mother as I had done before.
All I could think was...
For an arranged marriage they sure have picked a cute girl but she's confusing. She was a mix of all the labels, granted I'm more emo than anything else. I surpose it will be something to find out if I survive tonight. Maybe this wouldn't be as bad as i thought it would, my ex won't be happy but I might aswell give ita go...
I was knocked out of my thoughts when all the adults stopped talking and the group of girls made their way into the living room...