My Mum Did What? An Arranged Marriage? No Way!

My mum did what?!... Arranged marriage! NO WAY .20

Lexi's pov...

It's like deja-vu. Same shop, same dresses around me and same annoying mother-in-law asking me too many questions.
The best thing? This time, it's not my dress, I'm not here on my own and to save the few braincells I had left I was texting Jake. Who as it happened seemed to be as bored as me.

"Lex, what about this one?" Jenny asked for the thousandth time today.
Rolling my eyes, I picked up my head looking at her next choice.

The dress was perfect and the colour went well with mine.
I watched in awe as Jenny twirled around in her dress, admiring it and herself in the full length mirror beside her.
"Lex? What do you think?" Jenny asked again, her face turning serious.
"It's perfect I love it! This is the dress!" I yelled jumping up from my seat.
Cathy ran into the section we we're in and quickly grabbed a shop assistant and arranged for everything to be ready.
Finally free of the dress shop we started to make our way home. I don't know how long we we're all sitting in Cathy's car for, we we're all getting restless with the amounts of traffic on the roads. All I know is that my phone battery had died. Resting my head on the window I closed my eyes waiting for anything to happen.
The next thing I remember I felt myself being carried. Stirring in their arms, I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't.
"Hey you're alright, go back to sleep sweetie..." they whispered.
Giving into slumber I relaxed and took a deep breath in. Reveling in the scent a smile crept onto my lips.
Warmth washed over me as he made his way inside and upstairs, feeling myself being placed on a bed I struggled once again with my eyes. Finally wrenching them open I came face to face with Jake.
"Hey, you alright?"
Nodding my head I rubbed my eyes and yawned.
"Did you get all that you needed today?" I asked once I'd finished.
"Yes, now I get to spend time with you."
A gleeful smile filled his face as he finished his sentence, as though it was contagious I smiled back immediately.
Quickly looking around the room I noticed we we're in Jake's tonight.
"Where are..." I started
"In their room, probably going to bed." Quickly kissing my lips Jake pulled away and flopped on the bed next to me. "I heard you got dresses today..."
"Yeah the bridesmaid dresses are lovely. I know what you're thinking, and I hate to burst your bubble but I am not telling you what any of them look like."
Opening his mouth to protest, someone knocked on the door. Grumbling Jake stood up and opened it.
"BABY!" The person yelled jumping into Jake's arms.
Baby?! What the fuck?!
Watching the scene infront of me unfold, I was frozen to my spot.
"I've missed you SO much!" The girl screeched.
Covering my ears a little to stop the sound deafening me I stood up from the bed.
"Who are YOU?!" She yelled at me, now noticing me.
"I could ask you the same question!"
"I'm his girlfriend!"
I faltered... girlfriend...
"Cat got your tongue?" She sneered.
Keeping my mouth shut I glared at Jake, his head hung down in shame and I looked back at the girl.
"No actually. You need to talk to Jake as far as I'm concerned, I'm out of here."
I walked out of the bedroom I'd managed to get halfway down the corridor before Jake yelled after me.
"Wait! Lex!"
Turning around I saw his eyes filled with sorrow.
"Sorry Jake, I'm not waiting here for nothing alright. Just... just leave me alone."
Turning back around I began walking to Sue and Jenny's room. Tears flowing down my cheeks, they opened the door, I have two of the best friends a girl could have.