My Mum Did What? An Arranged Marriage? No Way!

My mum did what?!... Arranged marriage! NO WAY .23

Lexi's pov...

Home sweet home.
Sitting on my old bed, facing the now pale walls of my old bedroom, I couldn't help but let my thoughts drift. Flashbacks still reminded me of everything that had happened, tears still filled my eyes, and as hard as I could I could never get them to stop.
"Alexandra? Are you okay sweetie?" Cathy asked as she walked in the room.
"Yes, I'm fine. I'll be down in a second if you're leaving."
"I will be, I better get back before the boy's. I'm going to get hell once Jake knows you've left."
"I'm sorry, I really am sorry. I don't mean for these things to happen..." I trailed off as sobs left my throat.
Cathy raced over to me and pulled me into a motherly hug, one that I hadn't had in years. It was comforting to say the least. She held me while rocking us both back and forth until the sobs and the tears subsided.
"It's fine Lexi, trust me. Let me deal with the boys and you just spend these two nights with your father. I'll give you a ring to check how you're doing, how does that sound."
Hugging her tightly one last time I pulled away and nodded my head, both of us standing up we headed downstairs and into the living room.
"Okay Mr Waters I will be leaving now."
"Goodbye, I guess we will be seeing you in two days."
Cathy nodded in response and walked forward to shake my father's hand.
"Thank you for letting her come home for a while, it means the world to her and to myself."
"It's fine, I know it's been hard for her." Turning to me she added"well Lexi, I'll speak to you later alright."
A quick hug and peck on the cheek Cathy was out of the door and driving back to Yorkshire.
"So how have you been princess?" My dad asked wrapping his arms around me.
In turn I wrapped my arms around him snuggling my face into his chest I breathed in the familiar scent that I hadn't smelt in so long.
"I've been alright I guess, I'm glad to see you. It's nice to be home."
Standing like that for a few minuets settled me, I was in my comfort zone. Deciding to make breakfast my dad walked into the kitchen, leaving me once again that day with my thoughts. Quickly running upstairs I busied myself with unpacking the few bits I had brought with me. Deciding not to turn on my phone I placed it on charge and took a walk around my little house. I know nothing had changed, that was clear, everything was left in it's place as though I hadn't gone anywhere. Slipping on my shoes I walked back downstairs and settled myself in the garden. Peace. Relaxing on one of the sunchairs that we're kept outside I closed my eyes. I felt myself beginning to drift off when my dad called out to me.
"Lexi, sweetheart breakfast is ready!"
Grudgingly I began to walk back inside, the aroma of food hit me instantly and once again I was glad to be home.
A few hours later my father and myself we're sitting on the sofa. Tension was filling the room as unasked questions began to rise to the surface.
"Pumpkin, can I ask you something?" My dad asked.
"Sure..." I replied unwillingly.
"This morning... why did you ring in tears?"
Closing my eyes I took a deep breath.
It's now or never.
"Jake, he... well, let's just say he kind of broke my heart."
"Kind of?"
Tears welling up in my eyes I looked up at the ceiling hoping they would stop.
"He, dad his girlfriend showed up. He lied to me and I was falling for him. He said he's sorry it was a misunderstanding but, he broke my trust and I don't know if I want to talk to him." The tears fell, much to my dismay I quickly tried to wipe them away.
"Does he know you're here?"
"No, Cathy promised not to tell them until she got home."
Nodding his head, he wrapped me into his arms for a hug. Excusing myself from the room once we had parted I went upstairs and looked at my phone. Now was the time to decide.
Quickly pressing the button to switch it on I was greeted with numerous messages, can you guess who from? Yep, you got it... Jake.
Deleting them all without a second glance I quickly changed and went to brush my teeth. Halfway through my phone rang, running to it I picked it up.
Expecting Cathy I was surprised by the voice that greeted me.