My Mum Did What? An Arranged Marriage? No Way!

My mum did what?!... Arranged marriage! NO WAY .25

Lexi's pov...

Tuesday, THE day to go home. Did I want to? Hell no.
The thought's of facing Jake again we're nervewracking.
The doorbell rung bringing me out of my thought's that seemed incapable of stopping. The cheerful sounds of my father and Cathy traveled up the stairs as I picked up my bag and started to walk downstairs.
"Hello there sweetie!" Cathy yelled as I reached the bottom, immediately being pulled into a tight hug.
"Hey Cathy..."
"Have you had a good time?"
Smiling at my dad I looked at Cathy and nodded my head.
"Good, now sweetie I don't want to rush you, but we better be heading back."
"Mkay..." I mumbled as I plodded over to my dad.
Squeezing him tightly, I mumbled "love you dad, I'll text you when we get there. I'll see you soon okay?"
"Love you too princess, I'm going to miss you."
Looking up at his eyes I noticed them beginning to fill up with tears, giving him a peck on the cheek I walked back over to Cathy as she said her goodbye.
Right now we're driving along the motorway, neither Cathy or myself has said anything since we left my dad's. That was until now.
"He's been missing you sweetie."
"He hasn't eaten properly and I don't think he's been sleeping well at all." She tried again.
"Join the club" I mumbled, thinking back on my days here. Sleepless nights and watching endless tv. My dad did help me somewhat though, giving me advice on how to deal with Jake.
"Well pumpkin, let him explain himself, at least give him that. You will know in yourself whether or not you believe him. But take into account what you feel for him, don't rush anything and don't expect things to happen overnight okay?"
*End flashback*

"Do you feel better now you've been home?"
"I guess..."
"Excited to be coming back?"
"Uh huh"
That was it for the whole journey home, nothing else was said between us. The radio quietly playing in the background as both of us sat in silence.
All too quickly we pulled up at the house. Butterflies filled my stomach, nothing could have prepared me for this. Both of us still sitting in the car, I looked over at Cathy who was looking at me with a worried expression on her face. Quickly stepping out she made her way over to my door, opening it she grabbed my bag that was placed at my feet.
"Come on sweetie." She tried encouraging me, holding out her hand I took it unwillingly, sighing in defeat we walked up the drive.
Squeezing my hand slightly she tried to pull me faster than I normally would have done, still walking behind her some-what, I was surprised when she stopped at the front door.
"Why have we stopped?" I asked confused.
"Well, I've been meaning to tell you something on the way down..." she trailed off. Confused I waited for her to continue.
"We... I need you to get changed into the dress that you wore when Jake proposed."
"The engagement party... we brought it forward to tonight."
My eye's widened as she opened the door and stepped inside leaving me out on the porch. Shaking my head I walked inside closing the door and following her.
"Sorry! Haha... I thought I just heard you say my engagement party was tonight!" I said laughing.
Cathy spun around.
"Lexi, it really is tonight. As in 3hours so can you please get ready."
Still I stood there, grumbling she grabbed my arm and began to drag me upstairs.
"Wait! You can't wait until I get home to tell me my engagement party has been brought forward! I'm not even talking to Jake!" I yelled as she dragged me.
"Let me go dammit! Cathy for god sake! What did you expect me to do?! Did you think I'd be happy! God dammit! I've been home because of your stupid son now let me go!" I screamed.
Her grip tightened as we reached the top of the stairs.
"Why won't you let me go, I can fucking walk!" I screamed once more.
Jake's door opened and he walked outside, his eye's widened as he spotted me. Still being dragged by his mother.
Great Lexi... just great! Get Jake's attention before you want it! Nice one.
"Lex..." Jake said... weirdly enough he sounded relieved.
I stopped struggling for a slip second before being shoved in my room, landing on my bum I looked up at Cathy. A smile plastered on her face as she hovered over me.
"Now, get ready and stay in here until I get you okay?"
Nodding, I crossed my arms across my chest and looked down at the floor.
Hearing her footsteps hit the floor, I noticed she didn't close my bedroom door. Huffing I uncrossed my arms and laid on my back facing the ceiling.
Why does God hate me so much?
Closing my eyes I replied "yes Jake?"
I heard him sigh and felt a presence beside me. Opening my eyes I came face to face with Jake.
Okay, I'm asking again, why does God want to make my life hell?
"I really missed you."
"Yeah, well maybe you need to explain."
"Okay, look Lexi I really did break up with Claire, I promise you I did. She was on holiday at the time and it was the only option I had was to ring her while she was there. I know it's a crappy thing to do but she wasn't coming back until a few days ago like you saw. Obviously she didn't get the message when I spoke to her but I promise you I did end it. I... I love you."
"You what?!"
"I... love you Lexi, the not being able to sleep without you, I miss you when you're not here. I really love you." His cheeks flushed in embaressment and I couldn't help but laugh at him.
"I still need time Jake. I need to get ready okay..."
Nodding his head he stood up and held out his hands for me, gladly taking them we both stood there awkwardly.
Giving him a peck on the cheek I grabbed a towel and some comfy clothes before heading into the bathroom.
The trouble now... I actually believe him. Everything he missed, I missed too. But this time I'm taking it one step at a time, I'm not rushing anything.