My Mum Did What? An Arranged Marriage? No Way!

My mum did what?!... Arranged marriage! NO WAY .26

Lexi's pov...

Here I was, standing once again infront of the mirrow double checking everything was perfect. Sitting down on my bed I waited for Cathy to arrive to escort... nope, drag sounds more like it, down to the party. Hearing conversation's start from downstairs, I shuffled over to my door and placed my hand on the handle. Not 5seconds later the door was pushed open and I fell to the floor.
"Urgh!" I screamed.
"Gosh, I'm sorry dear!" Cathy said as she helped me off the floor.
"It's fine... don't worry about it. So can I go down now? Or am I being locked in my tower for a few more hours?" Notice the sarcasm? I thought so.
"No, no you're fine to come down can you wait just one more minuet while I get Jake, it would be better if you both made an entrance together."
"Entrance? How many people are at this thing?!"
Walking out the door I heard Cathy mumbling something.
"What was that?" I asked a bit angered by her reluctance to tell me.
"Only about a hundred or so..." Cathy took one look at my face and shuffled out of my room.
A... A few hundred... or so?!
Because this happens every bloody day of my life.
"Hey you ready!" Jake yelled enthusiastically.
"Have you been down there?!"
Confusion flitted across his face before he stood infront of me, wrapping me up in his arms.
"Nope... been waiting for you my dear."
"So you don't know who's actually downstairs?" I queried.
Shaking his head Jake took my hands in his before his face had a pained look.
"What? What is it?"
"You're ring, you erm... need to place it back on you're left hand."
Looking down in surprise I quickly slipped the ring on the right hand and placed them back down into his.
"Sorry, I forgot I changed it over." I mumbled.
Sighing he squeezed my hands slightly before letting my right one drop.
"It's fine, it's my fault it happened and I will fix it. Oh I forgot the best bit about tonight!"
Feeling apprehensive I forced myself to reply. "Why?"
"You get to meet my friends!"
Ok I must admit, knowing I was going to be meeting a bunch of idiots didn't bother me as much as the squealing Jake had done as he told me. Is this boy gay?! Stupid question I know.
"My friends, you know the ones that sort of helped me..." He trailed off.
"The ones that helped you soak me? Fine, let's go meet them. I swear if you squeal like you did just now I'm dumping you and this party."
Nodding his head in shame, we began to make our way downstairs.
Time for hell...
You know when you get a feeling everything, and I mean everything was planned to the second? Uneasiness and a feeling that something bad would happen without a doubt?
Yeah, well let's just say walking down the step's my arm linked with Jake's that is what I felt. We had managed to get halfway down the stairs before Cathy had noticed, and began ushering everyone to the staircase. In my eyes I might aswell have a neon sign with 'Future Mrs Peterson' above my head, not to mention a clown outfit, some bells so everyone knows I'm arriving and let's see... oh I got it one of the one-man-band things!
Finally managing to reach the bottom Jake was pulled away from me and it was there I stood, searching for anyone I knew.
Hands covered my eyes, smiling I tried turning around to see who it was.
"Guess who!"
Shock stopped me in my tracks forcefully taking the hands away from my face I spun around to see Lucas. Squealing in delight I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him tight.
"Missed me?" He asked laughing.
"So much!"
Maybe I should explain.
You see Lucas was one of my best friends, he lived next door until his family moved to America. That was the last time I saw him, yeah we emailed and talked on the phone occasionally but it was never the same as before.
"How have you been?" I asked still on a high.
"I've been good, not the same without you but hey what can you do. How have you been huh?! Getting engaged without letting me know!"
"Oh yeah about that, I'm sorry I haven't had the best of times at the moment. But you've made it better!"
Squeezing him once more I was interrupted by someone clearing their throat.
Letting Lucas go I turned to see a less than happy Jake.