My Mum Did What? An Arranged Marriage? No Way!

My mum did what?!... Arranged marriage! NO WAY .27

Jake's pov...

Immense jealousy raged through my veins, watching as Lexi wrapped her arms around the unknown boy. Watching her from where I stood my hands went into fists..
"Yo man, what's wrong?" Sam nudged me breaking me out of my thoughts.
"Nothing, I'll be back in a second."
Making my way over to Lexi, I stood behind her and cleared my throat. As she turned around she gasped.
"What? What's wrong?" She asked frantically.
"Can I talk to you... alone?"
Nodding she said bye to the boy and took my arm pulling me into a vacant room.
"What is it? Are you alright?"
Breathing deeply, I closed my eyes waiting to relax.
"Who the hell was that?" I asked opening my eyes after regaining my composture.
"Lucas Macintosh"
"How do you know him?"
Lexi's eyes widened as she began to laugh, relief flooded her face as confusion filled mine.

Lexi's pov...
"You think... haha omg you're jealous?!" I said between giggles.
"No, no I'm not!"
"Sit down Jake." I ordered as I pointed to the seat next to me.
Crouching down next to him once he had sat down I took his hands in mine.
"Look, Lucas used to be my next door neighbour. He moved to America a few years back, he was one of my best friends. No romantic connections at all, I didn't know he was going to be here. How he found out is another question..."
Lost in my thoughts I felt myself being picked up, looking back at Jake I noticed his smile back on his face.
"Happy now? Jealousy gone?"
"Yes I am and I wasn't jealous!"
Rolling my eyes I shook my head. Slowly without even realising it we were both leaning into each other. Nothing else mattered when we were together, our lips touched.
Suddenly the door to the room opened and we pulled away a little, still looking at each other.
"Aww! I've found them both!" Cathy yelled out to the crowd.
"Can't we skip this thing?" I whispered to Jake.
Grudgingly getting off of Jake's lap I turned around to see a lot of people standing in the doorway. Jake's arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me back into his chest before whispering in my ear...
"That... is strange."
"Uh huh..."
"Come on you two no hiding from everyone!"
Walking forward with some difficulty, due to the fact Jake wouldn't let me go, we both eventually made it out of the room. Cathy grabbed my arm and started to pull me to a group of people.
"Do you know them?" I asked Jake quietly.
"Get ready because you're about to meet some of my family and friends."
Why do I have a feeling this isn't good.
Making our way towards the group I plastered a smile onto my face, ready... set... go.

I've been sitting here for about two hours, the party still going on strong. My eyes drifting into the crowd once again I focused myself to listen to what... erm Natalie I think her name was saying to me. Spotting familiar blonde hair searching the group of people I said a hurried goodbye to Natalie and darted into the crowd.
Standing on my tip toes I tried to glance over the people standing in my way.
"Need a hand?" A male voice asked, turning around I saw my dad. Dressed up, smiling I hugged him tight and looked back up.
"Yes I do actually dad, I saw Sue but I can't see anything to find her have you seen her?"
In response he shook his head and his eyes drifted away from me. Trying to see what he was I stood once again on my tip toes.
Grabbing my hand my father led me to a table, confused I looked up at him.
"Stand on the table to see."
Without waiting fora reply my dad had picked me up and had placed me on the table. Seeing the blonde hair once more I jumped onto my dad's back and asked him to walk while I figured out where she kept disappearing to. I know what you're thinking wearing a dress while on your dad's back isn't very clever, but I had placed shorts underneath I wasn't trusting any of Jake's friends tonight.
Following my driections my father tried to get me to Sue, until someone hit my backside. I turned around a glare on my face as I looked down.
"What you doing up there Lex?"
"My dad's helping me find my friend... erm... I can't remember you're name so I'll call you... Jim." Nodding my head as I said it.
"See you later Jim! If you see Jake tell him I'm with my dad 'kay?"
"It's Tony! And yeah whatever!"
"Bye Jim!"
Now to find Sue, how hard can this actually be?!
"Dad go right! I spotted her!"