My Mum Did What? An Arranged Marriage? No Way!

My mum did what?!... Arranged marriage! NO WAY .28

Jake's pov...

"Dude what is up with you're chick!"
Turning around I saw Tony infront of me.
"What do you mean?"
"She's on her dad's back looking for one of her friends! She's calling me Jim!" He yelled. "Do I look like a Jim?! Do I Jake?!"
"You sound a bit hysterical mate, go take a breather..." I trailed off leaving him.
Right, it can't be that hard to find Lexi can it really. I mean one thing she's wearing something no-one else is and number two... she's on her dads back. Ookay then...
5... 10minuets of searching... nothing.
Sitting down on a vacant seat, I placed my head in my hands. Not 5seconds later the seat next to me was taken, whoever it was placed their head on my shoulder,my head shot up as I tried to see who it was. Relaxing a little to noticed it was only Lexi settled myself more into the seat wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
"Weren't you looking for you friend? I heard your dad was giving youa piggyback ride." Snorting as I finished the sentence, it was hard to contain the laughter that was building. "Oh yeah, Tony asked... if he... looked... like a Jim!" I added inbetween my laughter.
"Urgh!" She groaned covering her face in her hands, grabbing her waist I placed her on my lap wrapping my arms around her as she got comfortable.
"I was looking for Sue, but then I thought we've got to sit through a dinner so if she's there I can grab her. I was fed up of people hitting my arse."
Lexi looked up in surprise, smirking at me she looked around us before looking back.
"You're jealous! Again!"
Sighing in defeat I opened my mouth to say something. That was until my mother interrupted.
"Excuse me! Ladies and gentlemen! If you would all like to make your way throught into the dining room, there are name tags on each seat so please sit where you are placed."
"You know I've never actually realised how posh your family is..." Lexi trailed off in wonder.
"Come on let's get this thing over with." Whilst she got off my lap I looked around watching everyone enter.
Getting up myself I grabbed Lexi's hand and began to pull her towards the diningroom, quickly spotting our names at the head of the table I pulled her to the seats. Pulling out her seat for her, she looked at me funny before sitting down and taking a sip of the water that was already placed on the table. Linking fingers with Lexi once more I was set for whatever laid ahead.

Lexi's pov...

Dinner had gone fairly smoothly, there was stillno sign of Sue. Mysteriously Jim wasn't here either, linking two and two together I'm only hoping I've managed to get five.
"If we can have your attention everyone!" Cathy yelled from the other end of the table. Everyone's head moved to watch her, all the chatter had disappeared.
"As you all know, we are here tonight to celebrate my son Jake's engagement to Alexandra. Now I'm grateful you could all get here in a matter of hoursso we could host this party. There is some important news that I would like to share with you all..."
"Let me guess she's pregant!" One of Jake's friend's yelled, Paul I think his name was. Jake's hand squeezed mine and my jaw dropped.
"NO! No!" Cathy said hurridly, the tension that had filled the air was disappearing. Deciding to drink some of my water while I still could I waited to Cathy to continue.
"You see, we have some surprising news! On Saturday 23rd, 12pm at the local church the wedding will be held!"
Spraying the mouthful of water I had placed in my mouth over the poor people sitting infront of me I began to cough. Jake jumped and started to rub my back.
"P...Par...Pardon?! Did you just say what I think you did?!" I coughed out.
Not giving her a chance to reply I turned to my dad.
"Did she just say what I think she said?!" As he began to nod his head I cut it once more. "Wait did you KNOW about this?!"
Standing up I took a deep breath aware of every eye that was on me.
"You know what I'm out. Nice to meet you all but I've had enough. Night." I turned on my heels and began to walk out of the room.
"Alexandra! You wait right there!"
Stopping for a split second I turned to see Cathy standing only a few feet away from me everyone's stare glued to us still as Jake sat there unsure of what to do himself.
"No, you know what I won't! In the space of a few hours you've managed to move my engagement party and make a booking for the wedding and without telling Jake OR me you just decide to spring this on us AGAIN! You haven't even sat us both down and talked to us about it! It's OUR wedding Cathy, OURS not your's! We are practically adults and you're treating us like children, I'm sorry okay I'm sorry for wrecking your wonderful party! But you know you need to learn that you need to talk about these things with US before you spring them on us at a party and expect us not to be upset. So I'm leaving this party I don't want to know more things that I haven't found out yet."
Cathy looked speechless. Taking the advantage to get out of the room I sped upstairs and grabbed some comfy clothes before walking out and into the bathroom to take a shower.
Feeling refreshed I walked out and peered over the balcony, the conversations still filled the house. Walking back into my room I locked the door, placing my dirty washing in the laundry basket before clapsing on the bed. Grabbing the book I brought with me from home I opened it up and began to read, at least I could do something with my time until Jake decides to come up.
Half an hour later a knock came from the door, jumping up I unlocked it and slowly opened it. Revealing a freshly showered Jake. Smiling at him I moved over to let him in, locking the door as normal. As we both fell on the bed we ended up cuddling for the remainder of the night. For once in a few nights, we both actually slept and you know what it felt good.