My Mum Did What? An Arranged Marriage? No Way!

My mum did what?!... Arranged marriage! NO WAY .30

Lexi's pov...

"Alexandra, we need to talk privately." Cathy said her voice seemed forced to stay calm.
"Fine. Let's talk." I said standing up not bothering to touch any food that was being placed infront of me.
"Alex, don't be silly eat first." Cathy reasoned.
"No it's fine, I'm not that hungry anyway's."
Walking towards the dining room door, I still felt everyone's eyes. Pulling the door open I walked outside and started to walk to the living room. Hearing Cathy's footsteps behind me I took the seat nearest the door.
As she sat down on the edge of her seat trying to be close enough to me she played with her hands.
"Lexi, I'm sorry for last night. I should have spoken to Jake and yourself about this whole situation. I just didn't want any of the pressure to be piled on you, you're still young and you need to have fun..."
"That's why I'm getting married right? That's what young people do."
"When they are in love. Yes."
"Look, I don't want to be rude but neither Jake or myself would love each other if both my parents, Simon and yourself didn't make this stupid contract. We both feel like we wouldn't have even bothered with each other if this hadn't happened. I know Jake had a girlfriend before this, maybe he wanted to propose to her did you think about that?"
Cathy nodded her head, as though taking everything I was saying into account.
"Sweetie, listen to me, you are part of this family now no matter what happens..."
"Cathy, I get that and trust me I'm really grateful for everything you've done for me." Stopping for a slip second my thoughts turned to Jake. "Hey do you know where Jake is?"
She faltered.
"What do you mean?"
"As in where is he? Is he here? Has he gone out?"
"He... he's gone out for a while."
Great. Just great.
"Okay well, I'm going out with Lucas. No I don't know when I'm going to be back and if Jake get's back before me... well, tell him I heard him earlier."
"Whatever are you talking about?" Cathy enquired.
Standing up I opened the door and took a step outside.
"Doesn't matter just tell him please."
As soon as Cathy nodded her head I took off upstairs calling Lucas's name.
Walking into my room I jumped as I noticed Lucas sitting on my bed.
"Hey!" He yelled enthusiastically.
"Hi, how do you fancy going into town?"
"Sure, I'll just grab my shoes I'll be two minuets!"
Putting on my own shoes, I heard rushed footsteps running towards my room, seconds later Lucas stood before me panting as though he'd run the marathon.
"Let's go!" I yelled linking arms. Time to explore today, if Jake was off doing his own things with god know's who I'm going to get him back.

Jake's pov...
Here I was, driving to town.
Can I be more stupid then I am now? Probably.
After finding a parking space, I started making my way into the shopping centre agreeing that we would meet in the food court. Sitting down at a vacant table I pulled my phone out, no messages, I wonder if Lexi know's I've gone yet.
"Hey Jake!"
"Hey Claire." I replied flatly.
To be honest I have no interest in being here, the sooner I can leave and get home the better. As she took the seat next to be she leant down, way to go Claire make yourself look slutty. Oh did I mention she's wearing such a low top she might aswell not have one.
Leaning back I sighed in frustration.
"So, what are we going to do today?" Claire asked fluttering her eyelashes at me.
"We aren't doing anything. I am going home once you've decided to stop playing stupid games with me."
"Who's playing games baby... we both know you love me!"
I grimaced, that was so much further from the truth.
"Look... I'm sorry but I love Lexi."
"It should be ME with you and getting married to you! It should be me in bed with you at night! You should be cuddling me when I'm sad and it's me you should be in love with!"
"Claire! Stop! You can't force people to love you okay! I'm sorry I don't love you but you need to move on for your own sake! I'm not going to run after you if you walk away, you need to know that Lexi is MY life. The feelings I had with you, yeah they we're strong but I've never felt the way I do with Lexi in my life."

Lexi's pov...
I stood watching Jake and Claire with disgust. So she was the one he was talking to earlier, Lucas was trying his might to get me to move away from them both. I couldn't.
I could see Jake getting frustrated his hands flexing as he listened to whatever Claire was telling him.
"Claire! Stop! You can't force people to love you okay! I'm sorry I don't love you but you need to move on for your own sake! I'm not going to run after you if you walk away, you need to know that Lexi is MY life. The feelings I had with you, yeah they we're strong but I've never felt the way I do with Lexi in my life." Jake yelled.
My eyes widened and my mouth fell agape.
"Did you hear that?" I whispered to Lucas who, when I looked at him had the exact same expression as me.
"Uh-huh! Lex go over there!"
After shoving me into a nearby table Lucas grinned at me and waved. I swear I'm going to kill him.
Still not moving Lucas felt the need to push me further and I fell into Jake's table.
"LEXI?!" Jake yelled helping me up from the floor.
"Hey..." I muttered.
"What the hell!" Claire yelled at the both of us as Jake wrapped his arms around me. "You set me up! You bastard!" She continued to yell.
"Look little Miss Princess! You need to shut up I didn't know you we're here! I would have let you carry on if I hadn't heard Jake say he loved me. My friend thought it would be funny to push me over here." I turned my head to glare at Lucas, but his gaze was directed to Claire. Looking back towards Claire, she was doing the same thing towards Lucas. Oh no.
"You think we should leave them two alone?" Jake whispered in my ear.
Nodding in agreement, I walked over to Lucas, after a few minutes I finally grabbed his attention to tell him I would meet him in a few hours. No responce greeted me.
Leaving the two of them together Jake took my hand and we started to walk around the shops. Noticing we we're heading towards a phone shop I looked questioningly at him.
"This way she can't get hold of me again." He smiled pulling me in.
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Enjoy (: ..x