My Mum Did What? An Arranged Marriage? No Way!

My mum did what?!... Arranged marriage! NO WAY .31

Lexi's pov...

A few hours later we both found ourselfs getting bored, there was literally nothing to do. Deciding to go back to Lucas and Claire we slowly began to walk back towards the food court. You know what was surprising what we got there? Not only where they in the same place we left them, they we're also liplocked.
Covering my eyes with my hands so I couldn't see I yelled. "Ahh my eyes they're burning! Burning! Make it stop!"
"You weirdo!" Jake yelled laughing as he nudged me.
Uncovering my eyes a fraction so I could see Jake, I saw him just looking at me.
"You don't think that..." I pointed to them both in effect. "Is weird?"
"Nope" Jake popped the 'p'.
Huffing I turned back to look at Lucas and Claire. Urgh. Gradually they stopped kissing and held each others hands. Honest to god this moment would have been an 'aww aren't they cute!' If it wasn't for the circumstances.
"Erm Lucas, we're heading home and you don't know where home is so, I need to come with you."
"I can show him!" Claire perked up a wide grin on her face.
"Fine. Lucas remember use..." I was cut off by Jake's hand covering my mouth once again. Huffing I crossed my arms across my chest, before being led by Jake to his car.
He let me go and walked around to his side of the car before getting in and starting it, my window rolled down before Jake leant over the seat to talk to me.
"Are you getting in?"
"I don't know am I going to be able to talk?"
Sighing Jake opened my door from inside.
"Babe, just get in the car I'm sorry. Yes you can talk."
I pulled the door open a little more before getting inside, at the moment I just wanted to be at home for a while. In nearly 2weeks I was going to be married, in 2weeks I'm going to be Mrs Peterson.
"You okay?" Jake asked grabbing my hand and squeezing it tight.
Nodding my head I looked out of the window, trying to figure my own thoughts.
It wasn't long before we we're back at the house, both of us waiting in the car, both waiting for the other to move.
"Come on, let's go" I sighed releasing Jake's hand, getting out of the car and beginning to walk up the drive. It wasn't long before Jake had caught up with me and linked his hand with mine once more.
Once inside we heard chatter this time from the living room, deciding against going in there we both began to walk upstairs. It was there we stood. Which room?
"What room are we going in?" Jake asked as though reading my mind.
"This is where we have to decide which room to be permanently right?"
"It would probably be a good idea babe."
"Wait does your's have a balcony?"
"Yeah?" Jake answered unsure.
"Your room."
Jake's eyes widened.
"Uh-huh your room."
"I thought you would want yours." He muttered as we walked inside his.
"But your room smells like you!"
Confusion flashed across his face, I laughed and jumped on his bed kicking off my shoes before wrapping myself in the covers.
"What does smell have to do with it? Your room smells like you." He argued, joining me on the bed.
This was going to be a long converstation.

Giving up after an hour of arguing, we both decided Jake's bedroom would be better. Lounging around on his bed we we're surprised when a knock was heard.
A few seconds later a dishevled Lucas walked in.
"Omg! Lucas you didn't!" I yelled.
"Don't judge me! You two probably did too!" Lucas yelled pointing to the both of us. Both our faces growing red we looked at each other and began shaking our heads.
"Actually Lucas we haven't." I told him, only to get a disbelieving look.
"Dude, really we haven't we're waiting."
Lucas's mouth gradually dropped open.
"Whoa! Hold on a second! Wait are you both virgins?"
Once again we both looked at each other, actually thinking back we never actually spoke about sex or anything, other than the shower comment.
We both looked at Jake, as he got red.
"Would you be mad?" He whispered.
"No, why would I be mad for?"
"I don't know..." He trailed off, realising we weren't giving up he grumbled a "no, I'm not."
"See that wasn't hard was it!" Lucas yelled punching his arm.
Oh crap, now it's my turn.
"Lex..." Lucas started.
"Yes, fine I am okay!" I yelled covering my face in my hands.
Both boys wrapped an arm around me.
"There's nothing wrong with it babe! Really there isn't, it's a good thing." Jake said.
"Yeah! It means you just wanted to wait for the right person." Lucas added.
"Lucas... maybe you should leave?" Jake suggested.
"I hope you used protection dude!" I yelled after he shut the door.
Laying back down on the bed on my stomach I hid my face in the pillow.
"Babe, it really isn't bad. I'm sort of happy you are." Jake said trying to reasure me.
"Okay..." I mumbled turning over and hugging him.
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Enjoy (: and there is nothing wrong with being a virgin people (: ..x