My Mum Did What? An Arranged Marriage? No Way!

My mum did what?!... Arranged marriage! NO WAY .33

Lexi's pov...
*Knock knock*


*Knock knock*
Forcing my eyes to open I lifted my head a little to look around me. Okay, it's dark that's for sure. Feeling arms tighten around my waist, I wondered why Jake hadn't woken up to the knocking already.

*Knock knock*
My head snapped to the bedroom door, grumbling I untangled myself from his arms and managed to get out of bed. Placing my hands out infront of me, I tried to find my way to the door without hitting anything.
My hand found the door handle beginning to twist it.
Nothing happened.
Trying it once more, nothing.
Panic started to rise in me as I ran my hand up the door frame feeling for the lock. Letting my other hand roam find the lightswitch.
"Lex? Are you in there?"
My body stiffened as the familiar voice penetrated through the door.
Finding the lock I began to try and open it, once again nothing happened. My other hand brushed te lightswitch. Taking a deep breath, I flicked it. Covering my eyes slightly while my eye's adjusted to the change, I slowly turned my head around.
"Oh crap."
"Lex?!" The voice yelled this time more frantic than before.
"J...Jake?" I yelled back, hearing the sigh of relief eased my panic a fraction. Nothing bad could be happening could it?
"Lex, can you open the door please?"
My head snapped back as my hands fiddled with the lock once again.
"Jake! I can't it won't open!" I yelled franticly my panic soaring.
"Baby? What do you mean?!"
"I mean the lock won't open! Jake there's someone in here!"
"Wh..." Jake started.
"There's SOMEONE..."
My words we're muffled as a hand covered my mouth.
"Lex?... LEXI!"
Something banged into the door as I struggled to get free.
"Did you really miss me Lex? Did you?" They whispered in my ear.
Digging my teeth into his hand, he yelped and uncovered my mouth. Using the one arm that was free I elbowed him in the stomach, momentarily he let me go crouching over, clutching his stomach. Running to the door I tried to get the lock open once more. I could hear Jake on the otherside still trying to get in.
Looking behind me I saw Lucas running at me, still fiddling with the lock I waited for the impact...
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay for this chapter on quizilla I posted a poll and as I explained on there they could decide what happened in the next chapter whether it was a dream or whether it was a real situation.. I know this isn't the best chapter i've written and honestly it was spur of the moment.. so i apologise to whoever doesn't like it..x