My Mum Did What? An Arranged Marriage? No Way!

My mum did what?!... Arranged marriage! NO WAY .37

Lexi's pov...

Standing on the beach the water covering my feet, I felt Jake move behind me.
"You can turn around now." He murmured in my ear.
Slowly turning around I gasped as I noticed everything he had done.
A section of the beach had a blanket, an umbrella was placed at the top to shade us from the sun and a little basket was placed next to them.
"This is soo pretty!"
"I'm glad you like it babe."
Jake grabbed my hand, tugging me along towards the blanket. After we had both made ourselves comfortable, we just laid there in a silence that really didn't need to be filled.
Looking up towards Jake, I rested my chin on his chest, looking directly into his eyes.
"Can we... can we talk about us?"
My eyes widened as I took in what he had said. I gulped.
"You don't have to be worried you know."
My gaze dropped as I contemplated his words.
"Tell me what you're thinking Lexi please!" Jake begged.
Sighing in defeat I pushed myself out of his grasp.
"Normally when people say that... it comes with something bad afterwards."
Wrapping my arms around my legs, I rested my chin on my kness looking out into the sea.
"Look..." Jake started, pulling me into his chest, "this isn't anything bad, I promise."
"Okay, well... I just wanted you to know that meeting you has been the best time of my life. I know that if it wasn't for our parent's we wouldn't be where we are right now. I know we didn't get off on the right foot either, but you mean everything to me now, sappy I know but you do." Jake stopped suddenly. Turning to face him I noticed his cheeks flushed.
"You know you've hurt me and yet, whenever I'm mad I can't stay like it for long. I hate that I can't stay mad at you, I hate that I can't go to sleep without you there..."
"Okay I think I get the fact you hate me." Jake snapped sadness and hurt filling his voice.
"No! No! I don't! You didn't let me finish! I hate many things but they are what made me fall for you. Everything I hate makes YOU. Can't you see?! All of the bad stuff... it doesn't matter to me because that's what I love." Pushing myself away from him I turned on my knee's, placing my hands on his face I forced him to look at me.
"I wouldn't change you for the world Jake."
"Good because I wouldn't change you either."

The distance closed between us like before. His hands rested on my back gently laying me down.
"Wait." I muttered into his lips.
Pulling slightly away from me he took a few deep breath's to control his breathing.
"I know, I am not doing anything until you give me the head's up."
"It's fine baby no worries, we've got awhile anyway. Just promise you'll be careful when you're out on your hen night."
Worry filled his face, his eyes drifting away from me.
"Haha... babe please, I don't even want to go! Knowing your mum she's planning on coming as well. I'm going to have a ball of fun! Hey I should be the one worrying! You promise me you will behave."
"I promise, like I would cheat on you."
"I'll see for myself Saturday."
Pulling Jake down beside me I laid on my stomach once again facing the water, watching the sun begin to set, funny how time flies really.
"Are you not nervous?"
"Of course I am! What sort of question is that?!" I said undignified.
"I was just wondering..."

About an hour after the sun had set Jake decided it was time to face the music at home.
Sitting in the car we sat in the driveway facing the house.
"You know we're only making it worse." I mumbled knowing Jake would hear me. Giving a sigh in response he opened up his door, closing it and made his way to my side of the car.
Hand in hand we began to walk up the drive, until Jake stopped.
"You okay?" I asked studying his face.
"Yeah... I just wanted to say something before we went inside, I mean after tonight we won't be able to see each other until Saturday."
"I lo..." Jake closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before opening them once again. "I love you."
Letting out the breath I had been holding, a massive smile made it's way across my face.
"I love you too Jake."
Jake sighed in relief as he kissed me one last time before we started to walk back up to the house.
"That's the first time you've said that to me."
Looking at him I noticed the winning smile that was plastered on his face.
"I know, and I mean it, I really do love you."
Placing his hand on the door handle he turned to face me again.
"Ready for hell?"
"Let's do it!"