My Mum Did What? An Arranged Marriage? No Way!

My mum did what?!... Arranged marriage! NO WAY .38

Lexi's pov...

Here I stood once again infront of the mirror in our bedroom. Looking at the outfit I had been forced into against my will, my nose scrunched up in disgust.
Forced into a pink tutu, black leggings and a layered black and pink top. Not only is it the clothing, I have wings! Wings people! Looking directly at the 'L' plate that was hanging from my neck I could see how tonight was going to end. Disastrous.
This one night could be the worst of my life.
"Dear? Are you ready?" Cathy called from the bedroom door.
"Again with the dear." I muttered to myself before raising my voice slightly. "Yeah I'll be there in a second!"
Looking around the room, my dress hanging on the wardrobe door, ready and waiting for the hours to pass. Butterflies stirred in my stomach, placing my hand over my belly I took a deep breath and began to make my way to the bedroom door.
Here goes nothing.

"Hey there she is! It's the BRIDE-TO-BEEE!" Sue screamed over the music in the little club Cathy and myself had just walked into.
Laughing I made my way over to where she was perched on a stool.
"Hey, how many drinks have you had?"
Her eyes glazed over as she placed a finger on her chin, her eyes moved behind me and a smile grew on her face.
"Hey it's the other bridesmaid!"
I turned to see Jen walking into the club, spotting us she made her way over.
"Whoa Sue you're trashed already! How long have you been here Lex?"
"Urgh few minuets..."
"Let's get you a drink then!"

5 drinks later we we're all on the dancefloor, the little club was packed, it was hard to try and stick together.
"Well hello there gorgeous!"
Turning around I tilted my head up so I could see the mysterious man's face.
"Erm hey?"
"Can I buy you a drink?"
"No, thank you but the answers no." Turning around I began to make my way to the bar, hoping that I could find someone, anyone. A hand wrapped around my arm and pulled me back.
"Aww come on just one little drink? It won't hurt will it?"
Trying to pry his hand off my arm I looked at his face in dusgust.
"It will actually. I'm getting married in the morning and you're ruining my night!"
His hand let go of my arm like an electric current had passed through.
"Married?" He asked shocked.
"Yes, now if you'll excuse me."
Once again I started to make my way to the bar, only to be grabbed once again by my arm.
"Look! I don't know what you're problem is but you need to leave me alone!"
Spinning around the strangers face had an amused expression plastered on it.
"One drink won't hurt! If you're getting married you need some fun!"
Pulling me along with him to the bar, he ignored every attempt of getting his hand off me. Pushing me onto a bar stool he let his hand drop to the edge near my bum. Picking up his hand I placed it at his side. Once again he placed it back, growling I shoved his hand into his side.
"Do that again you'll pay for it." I warned.
Smirking at me he placed his hand back, a gleeful smile made it's way onto his face.
Taking a deep breath I forced his hand back, smiling I pulled my hand back and punched his face.
There he laid on the floor holding his nose. Smiling in satisfaction I began to walk away, that was until my arm was taken a hold of again.
Looking up this time I saw a bouncer.

*2 hours later*
"I can't believe we got kicked out of a bar! On your HEN night!" Jen screamed as we were escorted outside. After being in the office for the past two hours we were free to leave, we couldn't go back into that club in a hurry though.
"Okay kids, let's go back home we can have a party there. I don't want you getting into anymore trouble." Cathy stated looking at me. Biting my lip I started to follow Cathy as she began to walk down the road. Jen was holding Sue up, walking over to her I took Sue's other arm and hooked it around my neck trying to steady her.
"Have you had a good night hun?" Jen asked as we reached the cab office.
"Yeah, it's been... interesting."
We both began to laugh, as a cab pulled up and we started to get in.

3 stops and an hour later we we're finally home. Everything was in darkness as we all began walking up the driveway.
Once inside everyone crashed in the living room, Cathy made her way into the kitchen. Hearing her russling about I decided to help.
"Need a hand?"
Cathy jumped and twisted herself to look at me, a smile grew on her face.
"Sure, go grab the ice cream out of the freezer."

Everyone had eaten through 4 tubs of ice cream together and you know what everyone had now fallen asleep. Me being the exception.
Looking at the clock I only just noticed the time, 4am. It was officially my wedding day.
Once again the butterflies stirred in my stomach, pushing myself off of the couch I silently began to walk upstairs. Opening my bedroom door I changed out of the clothes I was in and into my PJ's. Crawling into the bed I took in the familiar scent, knowing that sleep wasn't going to take me over I grabbed my phone off of the side.
After it eventually turned on I was surprised to see new messages.
'Have a good night tonight baby, I'll see you tomorrow! Try and get some sleep and try to behave yourself! Love you Alexandra..xx'

A smile grew on my face as I hit reply, pushing my face into my pillow, I would at least try and sleep.
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Ahh there's like 2 more chapters left the next one will be the stag night!! Enjoy!..x