My Mum Did What? An Arranged Marriage? No Way!

My mum did what?!... Arranged marriage! NO WAY .39

Jake's pov...

Sitting in the van the guys have somehow managed to get, I listened to them all argue at which way to go. Feeling my phonein my pocket I quickly looked around me to see if anyone was watching.Looking down at the screen I quickly opened up my messaging and began to text Lexi. Looking up now and again to check no-one was watching me. Sighing in content I began looking out of the window that was on my side of the van.
Not 5minuets later the van screeched to a stop, and trust me I mean screeched. Everyone piled out, not bothering to see if I was actually with them. They began to shut the door, smirking to myself I settled myself into the van once again awaiting the moment they would realise. Hearing the conversation's start I began to pull my phone out of my pocket...
"Hey! Why aren't you out here?!" Tony yelled as the van door swung open.
"No-one told me to get out!" I yelled, stuffing my phone back into my pocket I began to get up.
Everyone was waiting by the queue as we made our way out of the van.
"Dude where did you get to?" Sam asked as I stood next to him.
"No-one said to get out." I mumbled crossing my arms across my chest.

"How does it feel to be a stag man?!" Lewis shouted over the music.
We have been in this club for the past two hour's I'd say and everyone was on their way to wasted. Me on the otherhand, well let's just say that I don't really want to have much to drink. Knowing I'm going to have a hangover in the morning will definately NOT help.
"It feel's good Lewis trust me! I love her and I know that I'm doing the right thing!"
"Yeah all right! Let me know how it feels to be tied down all the time! Have you even thought about kids? What are you going to do then because we can never go out like this!"
I stopped in my tracks.
"We will work at it!"
"Whatever man!"
Making my way to the bar all the thought's ran through my mind.
Another drink was placed infront of me and I looked up to see Lucas. Yes Lucas, well I couldn't let him go to the hen party!
"One of Lexi's frwends juust... they erm text me!" Lucas slurred, gripping the side of the bar to keep steady.
"Okay? Is she alright?"
"Haha... It's qwite funny weally... they haha... they got kicked out of the club!" Lucas began to laugh hysterically.
"Lex punched some dude! Broke 'is nose 'parently! Haha! They we're on their way 'ome last time I heard!"
Rolling my eyes I left my stool I was perched on and pushed Lucas onto it.
"Stay!" I commanded, pointing my finger to make sure he understood.

Feeling my phone virbrate in my pocket I took it out and smiled.
'I'll try babe! Yes you will see me tomorrow... unless you get really drunk and forget. Just got in bed :( we all got kicked out of the club, I'll explain tomorrow. You behave yourself too! Love you too Jake,'

"Hey man! What are you doing?!" Sam yelled grabbing my arm.
"Nothing, why?"
"We need you like over..." Sam began to look around in search of the others. "There!" He finished as he spotted them all.
Pulling me over to where everyone was he pushed me into a seat and took the vacant one next to me.
"Okay..." Paul started as a curtain was being pulled behind us, shutting us from the club. "So, we all thought that because you're getting married! We all pitched in with this idea. You can't get mad and by the way... your dad had nothing to do with this either it's all our idea!"
Oh no.
Can you all see where this is going?!
"We... we got you a stripper." Paul finished as she walked in from the otherside of the curtain.
Oh crap.
"Guys I reaallyy don't want this!"
No-one listened, their eyes glued to the woman standing in the middle of the chairs.
I got it.
She started off with James who had taken the seat opposite me, seeing this as my chance of escape I quietly scrambled out of my seat pushing the curtain aside.
"Hey Jake! Where are the others?!"
Spinning around, I spotted Lucas still sitting on the stool I had left him on.
"They are all in here!" I said while taking his arm and pulling him to the curtain I had just left.
"There's a seat free and I want you to take it! But if the others asked you haven't seen me!"
"Mkay Jake, no probs!"
Taking another seat at the bar, I waited until the others had finished. That was one experience I didn't want to have on my stag night.The only girl that was on my mind was Lexi.
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Okay this chapter is dedicated to chelz2012 and kiele94 ..Thank you for your comments! Okay everyone the next chapter is the LAST chapter for this story BUT I am writing a sequal which I will start straight away instead of leaving it a few weeks as I was planning too. The next chapter should hopefully be up within the next few days but I'm quite busy so please bare with me! Enjoy!..x