My Mum Did What? An Arranged Marriage? No Way!

My mum did what?!... Arranged marriage! NO WAY .4.

.:.Lexi's pov.:.

I watched him leave my bedroom and I looked at Suzie and Jenny they both had their mouths open like goldfish. I ended up walking back to my bed still looking at the place the boy had stood. How long had he been watching us? I wonder if he even knew what I looked like out of the three. I mean I haven't even seen a picture of him.
I felt the bed go down either side of me and Suzie and Jenny both held my hands tight between their own. I squeezed their hands back to show them that I welcomed the support.
"Lexi not to be horrible or anything but that boy is FINE!" Jenny shouted.
I couldn't help but smile at her and start to laugh.
"To be honest you two he actually doesn't look as bad asI thought he would have done, is that a bad thing to think?"
The two just looked at me pained faces on I could tell they weren't sure how to respond so they both stood up and dragged me up with them.
"Come on, let's go see this new family of yours." Suzie said while walking out of the room.
We made our way quietly downstairs and went into the living room still hands tight together.
I lookedat the floor and took a deep breath.
I guess it's now or never, personally I choose the never.
I'm doing this for dad.
I looked around the room and saw a family of three on the couch in front of me; the woman was staring at me intently and I think I saw the discomfort in her eyes as I locked mine to her own.
I saw the boy in the middle, the same boy that had came to get me in my room. He was looking at me up and down and then at the two girls by my sides, I wonder, would he choose either of them if he had the choice. Inevitably they always go for my best friends but I don't mind whatever keeps them happy makes me happy.
Soon he looks up and our eyes make contact, we both looked away. It was then my dad cleared his throat and we all looked at him.
"Lexi, sweetie, this is Jake and his parents" he said gesturing towards them all huddled on the couch.
My eyes wide I looked at them all and muttered "Errm... hello"
It was soon after I had said hello when my dad decided it was time for Suzie and Jenny to leave. My eyes starting to water in realisation, I looked at them both their eyes also glistening with tears. We all hugged and made our way to the front door.
"Lexi promise us that you'll call us..."
"Email us!..."
"And text don't forget the texts!"
I looked at them both the worlds two bestest friends a girl could have and now I was having to leave them. I hugged them both once more with a kiss on the cheek for each and shut the door behind them. Silent tears slid down my face and no noise was heard.
"Alexandra are you there?"I heard my dad ask.
I took a deep breath, put up my hood and sniffed as I replied "Yeah"
I walked back into the living room and chose to sit on the floor by the chair my dad was sitting at.I put my head inmy hands and the tears wouldn't stop falling.
"Are you okay?"I heard Jake ask.
I looked up at him and replied "do I look it? I've just had to say goodbye to 2 of my best friends so I can become your wife. So no I am NOT okay!"
"Fair enough" was all he said.