My Mum Did What? An Arranged Marriage? No Way!

My mum did what?!... Arranged marriage! NO WAY .6.

Lexi's pov...

We walked into the restaurant and we were seated at a table that was in the corner. After ordering our food the awkward silence returned, we all sat there no-one saying anything. It was then I decided to excuse myself and I headed towards the toilet. Once there I sat down in a cubicle and just stared at the wall tears filling my eyes that I wouldn't let fall. I know not very fun, just me and my thoughts. I wonder how long I actually can just sit here, especially when the food might arrive. I turned my phone on and waited for the signal to be found, 5 messages, great! Catch the sarcasm?
Okay 2 from Sue, 2 from Jen and one from my dad. I opened it for it to read...
'Alexandra, I am sending this message to you to say I'm sorry for everything that is happening to you recently. I'm so proud of you, today you proved yourself and I am going to miss you. Text me when you get to your new home, I'm missing you already. I love you my little princess, take care of yourself, love Dad.'
I couldn't help it the tears that had been threatening to fall made their way from my full eyes. I heard the door of the toilets open and I lifted my feet from the floor and rested my head on my knees. Someone knocked on the cubicle door and I lifted my head up.
"Alexandra? Are you in there sweetie?" Cathy asked.
"Erm... yeah" I choked out before blowing my nose and opening the door.
I was immediately pulled into a hug and I broke down, Cathy just held me rubbing my back until the tears stopped flowing.
"Are you okay?" She asked concern filling her face.
"Yeah, sorry about that." I said now embarrassed.
"It's fine, I want you to know that if you ever need anyone I will be there okay? You are going to be my daughter-in-law afterall."
I nodded and after fixing my face one last time we both walked out Cathy holding my hand leading me back towards our table. Both Jake and Simon looked up as we walked back over.
"You okay Alex?" Simon asked.
Again I nodded not really wanting to talk to them at the moment. Cathy seemed to understand and started to change the topic.
The food arrived shortly afterwards and we all made our way back to the car where we made our way to Yorkshire. Great.
In the car I sent messages back to Sue and Jen and just continued to watch the scenery around the car.
It wasn't long until we made it into York, It took another hour and we were outside of the house.
My mouth dropped open, my gosh, the house from the outside looked quite an average size. Bigger than the house I has back home but this looked lovely.