My Mum Did What? An Arranged Marriage? No Way!

My mum did what?!... Arranged marriage! NO WAY .8.

Lexi's pov...

"Go... away... evilness..." I mumbled.
"Lex I'm being serious wake up dammit!"
I opened my eyes to see Jake hovering above me.
"What?!" I snapped.
Okay you see, I'm really not good in the mornings.
"It's like noon. We need to go out so you can meet my friends." He finished with a smirk on his face.
"Sorry I don't want to meet more jerks. Thanks anyways I'm going back to sleep."
I pulled the covers back over my head and started to drift into unconsiousness.
"Alex be warned if you fall asleep you will face the concequences."
I scoffed and freed one of my hands and gave him the finger.
"You asked for it."
I heard Jake close the door, hearing people talking downstairs. It wasn't long before my dreams took me again.
"one... two... three... GO!"
I felt the covers being yanked off me and cold water being poured on me.
My eyes snapped open and I sat up straight looking around the room. To my surprise there were 5 other boys in the room with Jake.
"What in the name of God are you DOING?!" I snapped.
"Waking you up dear" Jake sneered.
"Well pookie it looks like revenge time doesn't it. You wait. You have messed with the wrong person."
Jake's friends all scoffed around him. My gaze snapped to all of them, each flinching away from my hard gaze.
"Don't think that you guys won't be punished either. This is going to be fun." I laughed while walking out of the room, grabbing a towel on the way.
By the time I had gotten out of the shower, got myself dressed and applied some make-up it seemed everybody had gone home.
That's a shame! [Notice the sarcasm]
I wandered the hallways of this house. Luckily there were notices on the doors for most of them. Like the bedrooms and bathrooms. I noticed one door. I opened it to see a whole room of books. Now this is what I like to see.
Looking around at them all I grabbed one and sat down in a chair that was by the window.
I'm not sure how long I was in there for but the next thing I knew somebody walked in and stood infront of me.
They cleared their throat, to which I held up my hand signaling to wait. This book was coming up to a good part and I didn't really want to talk to anyone that could take my focus away.
Whoever it was began to get impatient and started tapping their foot on the floor.
I picked up my head and tried to focus on the person infront of me. Jake.
"Do you know I've been looking everywhere for you?!"
"And yet you didn't look in here? Shocking! Can you leave I want to finish this."
"I said no I WON'T leave."