Everything We Had.

Take The Pain Outta Love And Then Love Won't Exist

“No. Just no.” Josh said, sliding back into the cream leather sofa and folding his arms.

“You child.” Chris murmured, grabbing him by the wrist and attempting to pull him up “You’ll have to talk to him at some point anyway.” Josh pressed his feet into the floor, refusing to move until Chris gave up.

“No way am I talking to him. No way, no how.” Josh replied curtly, folding his arms again.

“Oh for Christ’s sakes!” Chris exclaimed in disgust “He’s just as bad! Maybe if you’d just talk to each other then it wouldn’t be this sour!”

“Talk to him?” Josh sniggered incredulously “What, and throw my heart to the floor like a gauntlet? Isn’t it broken enough for you lot?”

“Look, me, Matt and Dan just want everything to be like it used to be. When you and Max were all happy-happy. Truth be told, we miss it.” Chris looked sheepishly at his feet; intrigued by the clashing combination of orange and white checked Vans against maroon carpet.

“Oh, so now it’s all about you three is it?” Josh laughed dryly “You seem to forget that it’s my heart that’s been shredded, my feelings that have been tossed aside, and perhaps the most important, my boyfriend that left me!”

“You’re impossible.” Chris muttered “Which is why you two are perfect. Max is just so very blatantly obvious and you’re all hidden messages and that sort of shit.”

“Hidden messages?” Josh whimpered, nearly in tears because the conversation was revolving around Max “He’s the one that skirted around that fact that he was cheating on me all along!”

“He’s the one that never cheated on you at all. You just thought he did. And you know what? It’s not just you that has a broken heart. Ever thought Max might have one too?” Chris retorted angrily.

Josh slid off the couch and landed cross-legged on the carpet. He stared down, trying not to let Chris see that he was about to burst into tears.

“He broke up with me, so it’s his fault.” Josh said simply, sniffling and wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. Chris sighed and turned on his heel, stalking out of the room. As soon as the door slammed shut, he burst into tears. Hot, salty tears gushed down his cheeks, clung desperately to his chin before dripping to their doom and landing on the dyed jade-green denim of his jeans.

He rested his head back on the sofa seat and stared upwards at the patchily painted cream ceiling of his living room.

“There’s the thing, Chris.” He snivelled “I do want to talk to him; I just think he doesn’t want to talk to me. I mean, I called him a cheater and unfaithful, didn’t I? I know he never cheated, but it’s so hard not to think that when you see him cosying up with girls at every single show we play.”

Unbeknownst to Josh, Chris had heard him talking to himself, and had thus dragged Max from the room next door to listen.

“Truth be told, I miss him. And you’re right, the times when we were both happy need to come back, even if only for your sakes.” Josh let out a choked sob, and Max bit his lip on the other side of the door.

“I just want to say I’m sorry. But he won’t take it so what’s the fucking point?” Josh sobbed, his voice cracking as he hugged his knees close to his chest and buried his face in them. Max lowered his head, his hands spread apart on the door, looking sadly at the floor.

“Go talk to him.” Chris said quietly “Tell him that you’re sorry, and that you love him.” Max looked up at Chris in disbelief and shook his head.

“I know you do, and I know he loves you too.” Chris reasoned, opening the door and pushing Max inside the room. Max turned to the, now shut, door and hit it a few times with his fist.

“Chris, you jerkoff!” He shouted through the wood, momentarily forgetting about Josh.

“Do you really hate me that much you can’t even stand to be in the same room as me?” The younger asked quietly from the floor. Max looked guiltily towards the floor. He walked over to Josh and sat down beside him. Josh looked at him, and then quickly returned his gaze to his green jeans; it hurt too much to look at Max.

The elder pushed his auburn fringe behind his ear and under his gray beanie hat and gently placed an arm around Josh, who flinched.

“I’m sorry.” Max whispered, resting his head lightly on Josh’s shoulder. Josh turned and nuzzled the top of his head lovingly.

“I know.” He replied “I’m sorry too.” Max laced his other arm around Josh’s waist.

“Just so you know, I still love you.” Josh continued feebly, glancing down at the elder teen.

“I never stopped loving you.” Max replied, realising he sounded decidedly soppy. Josh’s expression softened considerably as he affectionately lifted Max’s chin so his gray-blue gaze met Max’s dark brown.

At this point, Max stopped thinking. He leaned forward slightly and kissed Josh tenderly, the love and affection that supposedly ended two weeks ago flooding back to the pair. Josh kissed back, happiness returning because he knew he and Max were together again.

Max pulled away after a few moments and nuzzled into Josh’s neck.

“I missed you.” He murmured, smiling weakly. Josh wrapped his arms around Max’s skinny waist and kissed the top of his head softly.

“I missed you too.”