She Won't Kiss and Tell


Holly somehow managed to go back to and back onto The Maine's bus without being talked to or interrogated by anyone. She got changed and did all the other preparations she needed before she set out back The Academy Is' bus. Just before she reached the bus, she sent a text to William simply saying "Open up! :)". Just as she reached the door, it opened, revealing Andy stood smiling at her. Holly smiled back, mustering up the best fake smile she could. Stepping aside, Andy let Holly enter the bus; the alcohol on the table and counter tops visible.

"Jesus!" Holly exclaimed. "What did you do, raid an alcoholics house?" She joked. They all laughed lightly, William patting the space on the couch next to him, gesturing for Holly to come sit by him. Holly took her place, looking at all the bottles of alcohol that were spread out around the room. She shook her head absentmindedly to herself, before William spoke up,

"So, what are we starting with?" he asked, pointing to all the various alcoholic beverages. Holly shrugged,

"Anything. I'm not picky, so long as it gets me incredibly drunk." she said, in all seriousness. William chuckled lightly, picking up a random bottle off the table, pouring it's contents into a glass and passing it to Holly. Holly took a quick look at it, before downing it. Her face contorted as the liquid started to burn the back of her throat. She looked at William, a shocked expression adorning her face,

"Fucking hell, Bill! I said I wanted to get drunk, not kill dissolve the lining of my throat!" she said, coughing. William nodded, putting the bottle down a shrugging.

"Help yourself to what ever. I'm not being held responsible for the disappearance of your throat lining." he said. Holly smiled, laughing lightly, reading the labels on the bottles carefully before taking a drink of anything else after that.

Hours passed, and the drinking continued. Before any of them knew it, they were all past the stage of tipsy. They'd all set out a row of shots each, downing the fiery liquid at the same time on the count of three. They all picked up a shot glass each, holding it up out in front of them,

"On three! One... Two..." before Holly could say three, there was a loud banging on the door. All six of them looked at each other, none of them standing up right away to answer the door. William sighed, standing up and wobbling slightly as he walked over to the door to see who it was. He opened up the door, revealing an irritated looking Cody. She furrowed her eye brows at William,

"Where's Holly?" she asked. William stared back at her blankly before answering her question,

"In here..." he said, stepping aside as Cody barged her way onto the bus, walking over to where Holly was sat. She stood in front of her best friend, almost glaring at her,

"What the fuck do you think you're playing at, Holly?" she asked. Holly looked at Cody, not sure how to answer her question, so she just shrugged. Cody let out a small, sarcastic laugh before shaking her head, "Seriously, Holls. Why?" she asked again. Holly lowered her head, taking a sudden interest in her shoes. Cody stamped her foot, getting Holly's attention again, "Damn it, Holly! Wake the fuck up and answer my question!" she said, sighing as she noticed a couple of small beads of water running down Holly's face. She took a seat next to her, looking up at the guys who were still in the room, watching them both. Cody smiled at them all, not having to say anything for them all to take the hint and leave the room. She looked back at Holly, wiping a stray tear off her friends face, "So, are you gonna explain everything to me?" she asked. Holly shook her head, playing with her fingers. Cody sighed, nodding, before Holly spoke up,

"I couldn't even explain it if I tried. I can't even explain it to myself." she said, still looking down at her hands. Cody simply nodded again, sighing once more,

"You've broke the poor boys heart, you know that, don't you?" she asked. Holly didn't reply, she simply carried on looking at her hands as if they were performing tricks. Cody took this as a chance to carry on speaking, "Today was the first time I've ever seen Pat cry over a girl," she paused, "In fact, that's the first time I've ever seen Pat cry over anything in a long time."

"I'm sorry, okay?" Holly mumbled, biting the inside of her cheek.

Cody scoffed. "Now you begin to speak up? Answer me this, Holly; why did you do it? You two were so good together." Cody said. Holly threw her hands in the air, losing her temper with being asked so many questions,

"I don't know! Now please, leave me the fuck alone and stop asking me questions." she replied. Holly had never gotten mad at Cody before, so Cody took this as a hint to leave her alone. She sighed, standing up and walking towards the bus door, before turning back around to face Holly, scowling at her,

"Don't come back to the bus until the real Holly's back." and with that, Cody left the bus.

Staring at the space where her best friend previously stood, Holly soon sobered up and groaned, letting her hands cradle her head. Mere seconds had passed before she felt arms wrap around her petite frame. Leaning into William, Holly let the tears roll fast and free down her face, soaking William's shirt with her salty tears. William never moved, only swaying Holly slightly as he hushed her. Holly straightened herself up, wiping the tears fiercely from her cheeks.

"She thinks this is bad? What's going to be like when she finds out the truth? She's going to fucking murder me." Holly said, a small groan escaping her lips shortly after. William sighed, pushing his fringe away from his eyes. Holly suddenly frowned, realizing something. She balled her fists, "The bastard!" she yelled, hitting her thigh with her balled up fist. William stared at her, a look of confusion and shock spread across his face. Holly let out a small, frustrated scream as she stood up, swaying slightly due to the amount of alcohol she'd consumed that night. She grabbed onto the counter, steadying herself, before William stood up, putting a hand on her shoulder. He frowned at her,

"Okay, let's start off by calming down a little, please. You're scaring me," he said as Holly turned to face him, her cheeks flushed red with anger, "And secondly, care to tell me who's a bastard?" he asked, letting out a small chuckle, attempting to lighten the mood. Holly's face softened slightly, before she rubbed her temples with her thumb and he index finger,

"John! He promised me he'd break up with Cody, and it's evident that he hasn't even hinted at it," she paused, looking up at William, fresh tears once again welling up in her eyes, "He lied to me, William. After all of this, he's fucking lied to me." she said, her teeth gritted together. A new wave of anger over took her body, as she picked up her bag, storming towards the door of the bus, opening it and proceeding on towards The Maine's tour bus. William followed after her, grabbing her wrist, spinning her around. She looked back at William, to see his expression had changed from sympathetic to somewhere between angry and confused. He kept tight hold of her wrist,

"Where are you going, Holly?" he asked. She sighed, before answering his question,

"To put this shit straight." she said, yanking her wrist free and taking off across the gravel again and to her destination.
♠ ♠ ♠
Shit's going to hit the roof in the next chapter, I'm not even joking.
Becky and I were sat talking to each other, through our microphones, about where this story is headed. We have big plans. :)

Anyone else go in the ARTTM chat, last night? Eric picked out my question and answered it, for me. He's a doll, I love him.
However, it's bedtime, now!
Night, x