She Won't Kiss and Tell


John tugged his black v-neck shirt over his head as he rattled through his brain what on earth he was going to say to Cody. He wiped the palms of his hands on his jeans as he walked into the front lounge. Not even acknowledging Jared sat on the couch, John went straight for the door before Jared's voice pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Where are you going?" He questioned, making John turn to look at him.

"I'm going to speak to Cody." John said, lowly.

Jared raised an eyebrow, "You sure she actually wants to talk to you?"

"I don't care," John snapped. "I'm just trying to see if I can make this relationship work."

"Hey," Jared raised his hands in defense. "I was only saying, man."

"Well don't." With that, John left and tried to find All Time Low's bus in the sea of buses parked in the lot.

The familiar navy colored bus came into view and a small smile played on John's lips. He knocked on the bus door and cleared his throat a few times before it finally opened.

"Oh," Zack muttered, once he had opened the door to the lanky singer. "Hey, John."

"Hey. Is Cody here?" John asked, rocking backwards and forwards on his heels.

Zack hesitantly shook his head, "No, dude. She went out with Alex and Lisa."

"Oh, right." John nodded his head. "Will you please tell her I stopped by?" He said, stressing the word 'please'.

"Yeah, sure." Zack replied, going to shut the door. However, unfortunately for Zack, John heard Cody's giggle come from inside the bus and soon stopped the bus door shutting with his hand. "John," Zack started. "I don't think that's a good idea."

John sent a glare to the bassist, "What would you know?" He sniped, climbing up the stairs and into All Time Low's bus.

Cody's giggles subsided as she noticed John's tall, skinny frame enter the bus. "What are you doing here?" She asked, a frown pulling at her plump lips.

"Alex said to come back today, didn't he?" John's words softened as he noticed the facial expression on the girl he loved. "Can we talk? Please, Cody?" He whispered.

Her eyes left John's, looking to Lisa and the rest of the All Time Low boys for guidance. They all shared the same looks, though - sympathetic ones, making Cody sigh. "Sure," She replied, quietly.

John soon looked hopeful, following the petite girl into the back of the bus.

"Don't just stand there, John. Speak," Cody instructed, seating herself on the couch.

He nodded his head and paced the small area, opening and closing his mouth before he decided to speak. "I love you," He stated. John's eyes bored into Cody's, "I love you." He repeated, quieter this time, as his fell on his knees in front of her. "I'm sorry," John whispered, his eyes beginning to water. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't." Cody said. "I don't want to hear your 'sorry'. What's that going to change?"

"I don't know," John whispered, "Just forgive me? Please?"

"I want to forgive you, I really do." His eyes met Cody's such different emotions staring back at her. "But, I can't." She said, barely audible.

Cody felt a tear cascade down her rosy cheeks and she closed her eyes as she felt John's thumb wipe it away. "You don't know how much I regret it, Codes," He whispered, making more tears fall down the teenage girl's face.

"You never have any regrets." Cody sobbed.

"Time's change." John stated. "I never, ever wanted to hurt you. You were - are - my world." He said, grabbing hold of both Cody's hands. "I'm an idiot and I realize that, now. My heart's breaking without you,"

She could feel his warm breath on her lips and her eyelids fluttered close. Soon enough, John's moist lips were pressed against Cody's; his hand reaching up to caress her cheek. However, Cody pressed her palms flat against John's chest and pushed him away.

"Kissing me won't make me forgive you." She spat, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

"You kissed me back," John smirked, from his position on the floor.

She flared her nostrils and stood up, towering over John - for once. "Don't you dare come near me, again. I mean it, John." She said, lowly before her hand connected with his cheek.
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So, I'm suffering with a bit o' swine flu, at the moment. It actually really sucks.
I have my antibiotics though, so I am good for the time being! :D