She Won't Kiss and Tell


Wandering onto the cool tour bus, John's eyes searched the front for Holly. However, as she was nowhere to be seen, he made his way to the back lounge; finding Holly perched on the couch with a book in her lap.

"Reading's for losers," John said, a smirk adorning his flawless face.

Holly's eyes soon met John's, a smile soon tugging at her lips. "What do you want, John?" she asked, closing her book and folding her hands on top of it.

"You said we could still talk, right? I just," he paused, "I kind of need to vent, if you don't mind?" he said. Holly nodded as she pulled her legs up onto the couch, crossing them. John took a seat next to her as she shuffled her self around so she was facing him, and John mimicked her actions.

"Shoot, what's on your mind?" she asked, smiling. John sighed, playing with his fingers.

"Cody." he groaned, leaning his back against the couch.

"Oh," Holly mumbled, "What about her?"

John sighed once more, "Did you see her with Jack? People kept saying she looked cozy, with him. I just couldn't help feel jealous, you know?"

"Yeah," she whispered. "I wouldn't think too much about it, if I were you, John. You know they're close friends, anyway."

"I know," he nodded, "I just can't help it. I don't want her to move on." he whispered, looking so vulnerable.

Holly scrunched her nose up; she hated seeing one of her friends like this. "I know that Cody and I aren't on good terms right now," she started, "But maybe I could talk to her about the situation?"

"You think that would help?" John asked, his eyes now boring into Holly's.

"Maybe. I can't promise anything, though."

The pair let conversation drift onto a new subject, making it seem like old times, before any of this drama started. Hearing the tour bus door open and a female voice speak, Holly excused herself and made her way to the front lounge.

Seeing Cody standing at the breakfast, Holly rubbed her arm before speaking up. "We need to talk, Cody." she said, quietly.

"I have nothing to say to you." Cody coldly replied.

"But I have stuff to say to you, Cody." Holly replied, her tone still soft.

"Like what?" she sighed, folding her arms across her chest.

"I think you know what we need to talk about, Cody." Holly said. Cody sighed, reluctantly nodding and walking over to the table. Both girls sat down, situating themselves either side of the table. Cody was the first to speak,

"So, come on then." she said. Holly looked at her briefly, before looking out of the window next to them and sighing.

"I don't think I should keep telling you how sorry I am about what happened, because you don't seem to want to listen. But Cody, you have to realize that what's happened has happened. I'm sorry for what I did, and you know it. I would never hurt you intentionally, you're my best friend," Cody scoffed, but Holly just ignored her, carrying on with what she was saying."Remember what we always said about never letting a guy get between our friendship? Well, guess what's happening right now, Codes." she said. Cody looked at her and shook her head,    

"Holly, you slept with my fucking boyfriend. You think I can just forget what you did," she snapped her fingers, "Just like that?" she asked. Holly shook her head,

"I'm not expect you to forget what happened, because I know that's impossible. I'm asking for another chance, Cody." she paused, "And so is John." Cody's head snapped up, anger written across her face.

"I knew he was gonna come into this conversation somewhere. He asked you to do this, didn't he?" she yelled. Holly shook her head.

"No, he didn't. I'm just stating what's true here." Holly replied, raising her voice slightly as Cody was now paying more attention to what was happening outside than what Holly had to say. "Cody, look at me," she ordered. Cody turned her head to face her, her expression sour, "All I'm saying is, even if you don't take him back, at least make amends with him. You're killing him."

"I'm killing him? He crushed my heart when you told me what happened."

"I understand that, Cody, I really do. However, John thinks you and Jack are a 'thing', now. Seeing you two as close as ever is breaking him, even more." Holly softly explained.

Cody's jaw dropped, "There is nothing going on between Jack and I. So what if there were?" she asked, standing up as her anger was getting the best of her. "John cannot, and does not, control me. I can do what I please. This conversation is over." Cody finished, exiting the bus into the warm breeze. Holly sighed as she heard the sound of the bus door slam shut, for what seemed like the millionth time these past few days. She stood up, making her way back towards where John was. Seemingly, he'd heard none of it, as he was now sat with the book Holly was reading earlier on his lap. She smirked,

"Reading's for losers." she said, using his own words against him. He looked up and smirked back, before a more serious expression filled his features.

"What did she say?" he asked. Holly sighed, sitting herself down in front of John. She shrugged,

"She's stubborn, John. It's gonna take a lot more than a conversation to convince her to forgive either of us." she replied. John's face fell, and he nodded.

"I know. It's just..." he paused, "I don't even know. I miss her, you know?" he said in a sad tone. Holly nodded, smiling at him. She stood up,

"I'm gonna go take a shower," she smirked, "You keep reading, loser." she laughed. John laughed slightly, nodding.

"I will do," he said, "Oh, and Holly? Thanks, for you know... Being here." he added. Holly smiled and shrugged,

"That's what friends are for, right?" she said, smiling one last time before walking out of the room and into the small, cramped excuse for a bathroom.

After showering and freshening herself up, Holly walked into the back lounge to see that John was in the same spot, once again reading her book. She rolled her eyes at him, laughing slightly and alerting him that she was in the room. He smiled slightly, a glum expression adorning his face. Holly sighed, walking over to him and pulling the book from his hands. He looked at her, frowning,

"I was just getting into that!" he said. Holly rolled her eyes at him again.

"Come on, moocher." she said, grabbing his wrist and pulling him up to his feet. He frowned at her once again as she led him through to the 'living room', grabbing her cardigan and throwing it on. John's face still held a frown.

"Where are we going?" he asked, picking up his hoodie and pulling it over his head. Holly shrugged.

"Anywhere to get you off this bus and stop you from sulking. I hate seeing you like that." she said, opening the bus door and walking off as John followed behind her, closing the door after him. The pair walked slowly to the amusement park, making conversation as they did so. Upon reaching the park, the pair showed their wristbands to the park assistant, who let them in. John and Holly carried on walking, until John spoke,

"So, what are we going on first?" he asked. Holly shrugged,

"I don't know, but I'm hungry. Let's go get a burger or something." she replied. John nodded, following Holly to the nearest food stand. Both of them placed their orders and paid, waiting for a while before they were handed their food. The pair walked over to a vacant table, taking their seats and tucking into their food. John's eyes scanned the area in front of him, and as his eyes landed on two figures, he froze. Holly noticed he wasn't eating his food anymore, taking a look at him and noticing he was staring. She frowned, following his gaze, before freezing herself, momentarily. She coughed,

"John," she said slowly, but John just shook his head. He put his burger back in the cardboard box they'd been given them in, before standing up and walking off quickly in the opposite direction. Holly called out his name again, but he just carried on walking briskly away. Holly felt all different emotions bubbling in her as she stood up and made her way over to the pair, who were now merely meters away from her. Jack was the first to pick up on her presence. He looked at her, not speaking, before Cody too glanced her way. Holly frowned at them both,

"I thought there was nothing going on between you guys?" Holly asked. Cody turned to face her, crossing her arms over her chest.

"What are you doing here? Did you follow me?" she asked, ignoring the question Holly asked. Holly shook her head,

"No, I was here with John to try and stop him from moping around over you." she replied. Cody rolled her eyes,

"What, so you two are like, dating now?" she asked, bitterly. Holly sent a glare at her,

"No," she replied, probably too quickly, "But what business of yours would it be if we were? I mean, we're not friends right now, right?" she added, coldly. Cody shrugged.

"Wouldn't bother me. I'm over him." she replied, quietly. Holly let out a shrill laugh,

"Bullshit, Cody!" she yelled. Jack put his arm around Cody's waist, causing Holly to look up at him. She shook her head, "I expected better of you. Both of you." Cody scoffed,

"And I expect better of my best friend than to sleep with my boyfriend." with that, Jack and Cody turned around walking off, leaving Holly stood on the spot, almost stunned. Holly turned around, walking off quickly in the direction John darted off in. The saying, "Don't get mad, get even." was all that was running through her mind right now as she searched for the skinny boy in the crowd.

Holly soon found John, leaning against a brick wall in the shade. She walked over to him and slowly wrapped her arms around his slim waist; his arms finding their way around her shoulders. After a few seconds of not saying one word to each other, Holly glanced up at John, "Sorry." she whispered. John cocked his head to the side and raised an eyebrow at her. Before he had chance to ask her what she was sorry for, exactly, Holly's lips had crashed onto John's. However, John softly pushed her away before wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

"I can't do this, Holly." he said. "Not if there's still a chance that I'll get Cody back."

"You saw what she and Jack were doing before, John!" Holly exclaimed, "Are you really sure you're going to get her back?"

John narrowed his eyes at her, "No, I'm not sure. I'd like to fucking try, though." he snapped, causing Holly to flinch. John sighed, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you..."

"No, don't be sorry. It's totally my fault. I shouldn't have said that, it was a low blow. I'm sorry." she apologized.

A laugh escaped John's lips, "We're so fucked up." he smiled, softly.
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Becky and I have no Internet for another three days due to us house-sitting and having no wireless. It sucks, but we found an unsecured wireless network. Shh. :)

However, this story is finished and we have wrote about.. 11 chapters already for the sequel. It's going good, I won't lie.