She Won't Kiss and Tell


Cody staggered over to the small counter, on All Time Low's bus, where all the alcoholic drinks were placed. The band had the privilege of hosting the first Warped tour bus party, so they had pulled out all the stops. The bus was crammed with all varieties of different bands that were playing, along with the crew that had accompanied them.

After pouring out a mixture of Jack Daniels and Coke, Cody glanced to the side to notice her best friend, leaning against the counter. Sending a lopsided grin Cody's way, Holly rested her hand on her friend's shoulder and took the cup out of her hand.

"Don't you think you've had enough?" Holly chuckled, making Cody shake her head, in protest.

"No," She slurred. "The party's only just started," Cody grinned, picking the red cup back up and shoving it in the air, making some of the contents spill out of it.

Holly sighed and wrapped her arm around Cody's shoulders, leading her to where John was last sat. Upon noticing her drunken state, he abruptly stood up, cutting off his conversation with Nick Santino, from A Rocket To The Moon. John wrapped his arm around Cody's waist, whilst Holly kept her arm around her friend's shoulder, as they both lead her to the bunks of All Time Low's bus. Lisa had informed the girls previously, at the start of the party, that if they wanted they could crash in her's and Alex's bunk.

Once making sure that Cody was out for the count, John ran his fingers through his already messy hair and sighed. "I'm sorry about her, Holls," He said, letting out a short laugh.

"Please," Holly laughed. "I've dealt with Cody's shit before," She smiled, crossing her arms over her chest.

"That's not the point, Holly. She's my girlfriend and I should have been watching what she drank. I mean, fuck, it's only the first night, for Christ's sake,"

"John," Holly started, placing her hand on his arm. "It's fine. Hey, she's the one who'll be getting the horrible hangover," They both chuckled, making the situation seem lighter. "Do you want to come and get some fresh air, with me?"

After John agreed, the two pushed through bodies that were merged together, dancing to some random rap song that was playing. Once they were outside, the cool breeze made some of Holly's hair whip around her face, making John laugh at the facial expression she was making.

"Shut up," She laughed, shoving his shoulder.

He shrugged, letting a smirk adorn his face. "I didn't say anything,"

Holly let a small smile tug at her lips, whilst Johno shoved his hands, somehow, into his tight skinny jeans. Noticing how much you could see the bones of John's hands through his jeans, Holly let out a laugh.

"What?" He asked, staring intently at her, waiting for an answer.

"Nothing," Holly replied, shaking her head, letting out a few giggles.

"Tell me," John grinned, tickling Holly's sides until she finally gave in.

Gasping for breath, Holly leaned against All Time Low's tour bus. "Jesus, let me breathe, John!" She laughed, pushing away his hands. "And I was just wondering, do you pour yourself into your jeans?" This time, a smirk sat upon Holly's face.

A dumbfounded look made its way onto John's face, before he finally realized what she meant. "Hey, don't diss the jeans," John's infamous crooked smile appeared on his face as he rested his hands either side of Holly's face, on the bus.

John O'Callaghan's eyes quickly glanced from Holly's lips and then back up to her eyes, his hot breath, on her face, sending tingles throughout her body. In one swift motion, John had lowered his head and placed his lips against Holly's, moving them slowly but surely. Before the kiss had a chance to deepen, John pulled away and ran his hand down his face.

"Whoa," He said. "I think I've had too much to drink," He laughed, ruffling his hair.

"Yeah," Holly cleared her throat. "Same..," She nodded. "I'm just going to," She gestured to the tour bus door with her thumb before leaving John to stare at her retreating body.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm fairly knackered.

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