She Won't Kiss and Tell


Sighing contently, Holly cuddled more into the warm body that was lay next to hers. Slowly letting her eyelids open, and adjust to the area around her, a sharp gasp left her lips as she noticed who the person, she was lay next to, actually was.

"John," She hissed, whilst whispering, prodding his exposed chest. "Wake the hell up,"

Mumbling incoherent words, under his breath, John stretched as much as he could, in the cramped bunk and looked at Holly. "What?" He mumbled, groggily.

"What, John? That's all you have to say? Fucking what?!" Holly raised her voice, pulling the sheet more tightly to her bare body.

Running his fingers through his messy brown hair, John sighed. "Calm the fuck down, Holls," He groaned, clutching his head.

"How can I calm down, when I just woke up naked next to my best friend's boyfriend?!" Holly exclaimed. "Oh, my God," She said, slowly. "I cheated on Pat, with his best friend. This isn't happening," Shaking her head, Holly grabbed her clothes and put them on as well as she could, in a bunk.

Once dressed, she ignored John's protests and climbed out of the bunk, glad that she could escape the stale smell of sex. Straightening up, Holly walked into the front area of the tour bus and noticed Jared sat at the mini table, eating a bowl of cereal.

"Hey," He smiled. Noticing a fake smile sat upon Holly's face, Jared soon had her in a comforting embrace. "What's the matter?" He asked, stroking her hair. "Did Pat hurt you? If he did, I'll kick his ass,"

Letting out a few giggles, Holly shook her head and pulled away from Jared. "No, Pat didn't do anything." She stated, because that was the truth, he hadn't done anything - she had. "I just don't feel well. Cramps, you know?"

Upon hearing the word 'cramps' being mentioned, Jared cringed and quickly returned to his bowl of cereal. Glad to have distracted him, for the mean time, Holly headed towards the bus door and turned to Jared before leaving.

"I'm going to go see if Pat's up, okay?" Earning a nod from Jared, Holly bounced down the bus' steps and started the short walk over to All Time Low's bus.

However, feeling a hand wrap around the lower part of her arm, Holly jumped as her back came into contact with a random tour bus. Her breath hitched in her throat as John's eyes stared deeply into hers, all the while caressing her face with his hands.

"Hear me out, Holls?" He whispered.

"No," She shook her head, removing John's hands from her cheeks. "This was wrong, John." Pushing his body away from hers, Holly started walking towards All Time Low's bus, before she heard John's voice call out.

"Then why did it feel so right, to me?"

Turning around on her heel, Holly faced John and narrowed her eyes at him. "Don't say that kind of bullshit, John," She replied, walking closer to him. "You have Cody, I have Pat. Let's leave it as that,"

Before John could reply, a lanky brunette stepped off of a tour bus nearby. Smiling widely at them both, he sauntered over and pulled them both into hugs.

"Hey, guys!" He grinned. "It's been a while. How've you been?" He asked, using Holly as an arm rest.

"Good," She giggled. "How about you, William?"

"I've been good," He smiled. "Isn't Cody here?" He asked, looking more at John for an answer.

John nodded. "Yeah, she is. She's in All Time Low's bus, I think. You comin'?"

William shook his head. "I've got sound check, soon. I'll catch up with you all later though, yeah?"

Earning nods from both John and Holly, William Beckett walked away, leaving the pair in a now awkward silence. Letting out a frustrated sigh, Holly walked off towards All Time Low's bus, making John stare from his rooted spot for the second time, in two days.
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