She Won't Kiss and Tell


Cody and Holly were getting more and more irritable by the second. Heat, plus screaming kids, plus bitchy girls, equals hell. Blowing their bangs away from their foreheads, they flopped down back onto the fold out lawn chairs, once selling merch to some fans. Pulling two bottles of water out of the ice cooler, Cody chucked one at Holly before taking a sip of her own. Upon noticing Johno stood in front of the table, Cody soon had her boyfriend in a comforting embrace.

Holly remained sat in her seat, hardly even lifting her eyes off of the ground. John coughed, causing Holly to reluctantly look up. He smiled and waved at her, to which she just gave him a half hearted smile. However, when John averted his eyes back to Cody, Holly rolled her eyes to herself.

"Boy never gets the picture," She mumbled under her breath.

Cody plopped down on the seat next to her best friend. "What was that?" She chuckled, playing with John's fingers absentmindedly, as he stood between her legs.

Shaking her head, Holly sent her friend a fake smile before muttering an excuse to leave the table. After watching her friend leave through the crowd of teenagers, Cody turned to John with a frown adorning her face.

"What's up with her?" She asked.

John shrugged his shoulders, all the while kissing Cody's forehead. "I don't know," He mumbled, letting his lips linger. "Do you want me to go look for her?"

"Please," She said, softly. Smiling at John, Cody pressed her lips to his, for a few seconds, until he left to go and look for Holly.

Walking through the huddles of teenagers, John's eyes fell wherever they could, looking for Holly. Not being successful, he showed the security guards his pass, making his way backstage, and soon found Pat holding Holly securely in his arms. Feeling the green monster work its way upon him, John flared his nostrils and let a deep sigh escape his lips.

"Pat!" John called, grinning. "There you are," He smirked, once he saw that he had Holly's attention.

"Hey, man," Pat acknowledged, smiling back at the singer. "What's up?" He asked, wrapping his arm around Holly's waist.

John's eyes quickly flickered from Holly's waist, back up to meet Pat's eyes - Holly definitely noticed this. Smirking to herself, Holly cuddled more into Pat's side and nuzzled her face into his neck, briefly placing soft kisses there.

Clearing his throat, John rubbed the back of his neck. "Not much. I was just wondering if you knew what time we play, today?" Holly let out a short laugh, but soon making it seem like she coughed so Pat wouldn't question her motives.

"Why don't you go and look at the set times, John?" Holly asked, playing with Pat's brown locks.

"No, it's okay," Pat said. "I need to go pee pee, anyway," He grinned, childishly. Holly giggled, caressing Pat's face in her hands as she placed a loving kiss on his lips. Making it last longer than a few minutes, Holly knew that it must have been getting to Johno.

Once Pat left, Holly grabbed a water bottle from the table nearby and took a sip. Breaking the silence, John began to talk. "Why did you do that?" He asked.

"Do what?" Holly replied, amusement lacing her voice.

"You know what, Holls," John growled, taking a few steps closer to her.

She shrugged. "I didn't know kissing my boyfriend was out of the question now."

"I never said it was out of the question, I'd just prefer if it wasn't in front of me," John said.

Holly laughed, "And why's that, John?" She asked, taking another sip from the bottle. His eyes never leaving hers, John took another step forward.

"Because," He started, his voice just above a whisper. "I'm starting to like you in ways that I shouldn't even dream about,"

Holly could feel his warm breath on her face - she tried to ignore the tingles that it sent throughout her body. Noticing John's face move closer to hers, Holly's eyes averted to his lips, back up to his face. Before John's lips happened to merely touch hers, Holly shoved him back.

"I don't know why you keep trying to play these games, John," Holly raised her voice. "It's making you seem so pathetic," She spat. In one swift motion, she had thrown the half full bottle of water at his chest.

"Ow! What the fuck?!" John exclaimed, rubbing the spot where the bottle had hit him.

Trying to hide the smirk that was slowly making its way onto Holly's face, she placed her hand flat against his chest. Raising her height, by standing on her tip toes, Holly placed her lips near John's ear.

"I suggest you think before you try anything, again." With those words filling John's ears, Holly soon had her knee colliding with his crotch.
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I won't lie, Becky and I are having a fun time hurting John in this. ;)