She Won't Kiss and Tell


"Come watch us play today!" Kennedy said, as he stood behind the merch table with Cody and Holly. Kennedy had been pestering the two girls for the past half an hour to go watch The Maine's set, and finally they both caved, sick of his whining.

"Fine!" they both said at almost exactly the same time, looking at each other and laughing afterwards. Kennedy clapped,

"Good! We go on in about 15 minutes, don't be late!" he said, hugging them both and then leaving to go get ready to go on stage.

After making sure Katie was settled at the merch table, the two girls made their way over to the backstage area, ready to watch their boys in action. Once they had shown the guards their passes, the two girls walked over to the barrier, sitting down on the small ledges sticking out of the barrier. If they were gonna spend the next hour here, they may as well get a good view. Both girls already felt guilty for not wishing the boys luck right before they went on stage.

"We should have wished them luck. John might end up breaking his wrist again." Cody chuckled. Holly scoffed. She wished he'd break his neck, it might shut him up.

"He only happened to do that because he was, as he put it, 'mildly' drunk. He should look where he's walking, next time." Holly stated, hoping John would fall down a hole next time. That's if there was a next time. Cody laughed,

"We all know John's version of 'mildly drunk' is pissed senseless. I'd hate to have seen what would have happened if he was 'very' drunk..." Cody added. Holly laughed, trying her best to show interest in a conversation that so much as involved John's name.

After a few more minutes, the sound of drums and guitars were heard. The crowd started screaming, a few seconds later the guys of The Maine walked out on stage. Sending a small smirk to the crowd, John's voice echoed throughout the speakers as he asked how the crowd were doing. Once the screams, and random responses, were shouted back at the band, John announced the song that they were going to play. John looked down, noticing Holly and Cody sat watching. He smirked at them both, waving slightly. Cody grinned widely, waving back, as Holly just smiled and nodded. The one, and possibly only, thing Holly was starting to admire John for was his persistence. No matter how cruel she was to him, he just didn't give up. It kind of attracted Holly to John, as well as irritating the living hell out of her.

Grabbing a towel each from off of one of the amps, the band waved at the crowd one last time before exiting the stage. Finding that the girls were already there ready and waiting for them, the boys pulled them into a tight, sweaty group hug. Exclaiming profanities, the two girls pulled away. Holly let out a small, frustrated scream,

"That's not even funny. You're all fucking disgusting." Holly said, frowning at them all. Pat walked over to her, his arms open wide,

"Aw, I'm sorry, do you not like sweaty men?" he said, grabbing her and tackling her to the floor. Holly screamed and kicked out as the rest of the group stood and laughed. She finally slapped Pat across the face lightly, before he stood up, helping her up with him. Holly stood with an unimpressed look about her face,

"You guys suck." she said, crossing her arms across her chest childishly, pouting. They all muttered a few responses, before Kennedy spoke properly,

"Okay, I'm actually going to go and shower while there's a shower at hand." he said, turning around to walk off. Garrett and Jared nodded, agreeing with Kennedy, and taking off towards where the showers were.

Holly looked over at John, who was grinning at her. She smiled back slightly, quickly looking back at Pat, who was walking towards her again. She frowned at him,

"If you want to keep the feeling in your balls, then I suggest that you don't even consider hugging me again until you've showered." she warned. Pat pouted, stopping where he was.

"Get used to sweaty people while you're here, you're gonna see a lot of them." John said, laughing slightly. Holly looked at him, laughing a little. If John wasn't going to leave her alone, she might as well talk to him if nothing else. Cody clapped her hands together, getting the other three's attention. She smiled at them all,

"Can we go eat? I'm starving." she said. The others nodded and agreed with her. All four of them took off outside the grounds, walking over to a cafe that was situated across the road. Once ordering their drinks, the group sat down on the leather couches that were situated towards the back of the shop. The group sat and talked for a while, before Holly noticed three girls who were stood at the counter, who kept glancing over and talking between themselves. Cody wriggled in her seat, causing everyone to look at her. She smiled,

"I need to pee pee!" she said. Holly laughed, rolling her eyes.

"Go pee pee then, stupid!" she said, smiling. Cody nodded her head, standing up and walking off to the toilets. Holly looked back around, noticing the three girls who were formerly at the bar, walking over to them. They smiled widely at John and Pat, also giving Holly a small smile. Pat and John both smiled at the girls, who were stood with cameras in their hands.

"Can we have a picture with you both, please?" one of the girls asked. The girl was quite short, with blond hair that cut off just before her shoulders. Another girl, who was stood beside her, was a considerable amount taller than her friend, and had long, brown hair that hit just past her chest, just stood and simply smiled. The third girl, who had light brown hair, stood and played with a piece of frayed string that was coming off her hoodie. John and Pat both nodded, standing up to take pictures with both of the girls. The blond girl had a picture with both John and Pat, saying her thank yous before stepping aside to let her friends do just as she had done. Averting her gaze from Pat and John, the girl looked at Holly and smiled. She took a step closer to the table where Holly was sat, and leaned against the table. Holly smiled at her, before the girl spoke up,

"Are you dating Pat?" she asked. Holly nodded slowly in response, before smiling at the blond girl. The girl nodded back,

"You're really lucky. I'd kill to have a boyfriend like Pat." she said, her tone remaining nothing but polite. When people said things like this, it only made her feel all the worse about what she'd done to Pat. Holly nodded, smiling at the girl,

"Thanks, I know." she replied, the smile remaining on her face. The girl turned back around to her friends, who were saying their final thank yous to both of the boys. They all said their goodbyes, before the three girls walked out of the cafe. Pat and John both took their seats again, picking up their drinks and engaging again in conversation. Cody came out of the toilets, walking over and taking her seat. Holly didn't once look up, focusing on some bits of sugar that had been dropped on the table. Cody tapped the table in front of Holly's gaze, causing Holly's head to shoot up. Cody smiled,

"You okay? You seem a little distant today." Cody asked, her facing showing a concerned expression. Holly shrugged,

"I'm just feeling a little ill, that's all." she explained. Pat looked around at Holly, his face suddenly gathering a concerned expression also. Holly shook her head slightly, "Actually, I think I'm just gonna go back to the bus. I don't feel hungry anymore." she explained. Pat took hold of her hand under the table,

"Want me to come with you?" he asked. Holly shook her head, smiling at Pat,

"It's okay, I'm only going to go sleep anyway. You stay here, I know my way back to the bus." she said quickly. Pat nodded, leaning forward and kissing Holly briefly on the lips.

"Okay, well, if you want me to come back, just call me." he said, smiling. Holly smiled back,

"I will do. I'll see you all later. Just wake me up when you all come back on the bus." this earned a nod from the John and Cody. Cody smiled widely at Holly, opening her arms out as Holly stood up from her seat,

"I love you, baby!" Cody joked, hugging her best friend. Holly laughed, hugging her back.

"Love you too, Codes." she replied, before standing up straight and going to walk off. She heard a small 'ahem', before she turned around to see John raising an eyebrow at her,

"Oh, so John doesn't get a hug now, does he not?" John said, putting his hand on his chest, pulling a fake hurt expression. Holly rolled her eyes, before walking over to John and hugging him. He hugged her back, before Holly leaned closer to Johns ear, her lips almost touching his ear,

"Come back to the bus alone. We need to talk." was all she said, before she stood up straight and walked out of the cafe, not once looking back at them all.
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Sian and I have just gotten home from We The Kings and Hey Monday - epic.
Everything is becoming to be surreal and mad with our good luck with, band members, lately.