She Won't Kiss and Tell


Holly kept her head down the whole time she walked back to the bus. Once she got to the bus, she punched in the numbers to unlock the door forcefully, climbing the few stairs and closing the door. Upon walking in to the bus, she noticed Garrett and Kennedy sat playing guitar hero in the middle of the "living room", if that's really what you could call it. She smiled at them both, and they both smiled back. She looked around,

"Where's Jared?" she asked. Garrett shrugged, keeping his eyes fixed on the TV screen in front of him.

"He's not been back yet. He probably got locked in the shower or something." he replied. Holly laughed, going in the fridge and taking out a bottle of water. She started making her way to the bunks,

"Okay, well, I'm gonna go sleep. I don't feel too well." she lied again. Kennedy and Garrett both nodded, Kennedy mumbling a small "feel better soon", once again their eyes never leaving the screen. Holly rolled her eyes at them before walking into the bunks and climbing into her bunk. She didn't feel ill at all, but all she wanted to do was sleep away her problems. She pushed her head further into her pillow, laying on her back and staring up. She sighed,

"Why, why, why, Holly?" she asked herself. After thinking a little too much about the predicament she was in, tears soon started to cascade down her rosy cheeks. Letting out a quiet sob, she rolled on her side, her pillow soon wet from her tears. After a good ten minutes, she slowly drifted into a light sleep. What seemed like minutes later, she felt a hand on her shoulder and movement as someone climbed in the bunk next to her. She turned around, facing who ever it was next to her. She smiled as she was met by Pat's face only inches away from her own. Pat smiled at her, then frowned, wiping her cheek with his thumb,

"Have you been crying?" he asked. Holly shrugged, the nodded, feeling the tears welling up in her eyes again. Pat wrapped his arms around her, shushing her and swaying her from side to side slightly.

"Why have you been crying, boo?" Pat softly said, stroking Holly's hair.

Holly sniffed and looked at Pat, "Homesick," She mumbled, nuzzling her face into his neck. 

"Don't feel homesick!" Pat exclaimed, hugging Holly's body closer, if possible, to his. "I'm so glad you've came on this tour with us. I don't know what I would've done without you here, keeping me sane." He chuckled, making Holly giggle quietly. Pulling away from his embrace, Pat wiped the few remaining tears on Holly's cheeks away. "I love you, so much," He whispered. "Do you want me to go and get you anything?"

Feeling this may give her the opportunity for more quiet time, Holly nodded. "Can you get me a bottle of water, and whatever food?"

Smiling at his girlfriend, Pat spoke up. "Of course," He kissed Holly one last time on her lips, whispering another 'I love you', then kissed her forehead. Watching her boyfriend leave, Holly let out a frustrated sigh as she cradled her head in her hands, fresh tears welling up. This whole thing was a mess.

As if on cue to make the situation worse, John walked into the bunks, walking over to Holly's bunk, leaning down to look at her. He frowned,

"What are you crying for?" John asked, concerned.

Holly snapped her eyes to meet his, narrowing them at him. "You, John!" She exclaimed. "You're the one that has gotten me into this.. mess!" Wiping ferociously at her eyes, she didn't give John time to speak up. "You made me cheat on my boyfriend," She said, slowly.

"I made you cheat?" John mused. "I never made you do anything."

"You never fucking gave up, John!" she almost shouted, throwing her hands into the air. "You just never fucking give up. Your persistence is so annoying, you know that?" she asked. John stared at her, then laughed. Holly frowned, "Well, I'm glad you find all of this amusing." she spat. John shook his head,

"I'm not finding this anymore amusing than you are, but could you just calm down about it all?" John asked, his voice still as calm as ever. Holly laughed bitterly, before simply shaking her head at John,

"All you ever do is tell me to calm down, John. No, I won't calm down." she said, fresh tears starting to form in her eyes. John sighed, sitting himself down on the edge of the bunk, still facing Holly.

"Okay," John started. "How about we start over?" He paused. "Hi, I'm John O'Callaghan. Pleased to meet you," He smiled, holding out his hand for Holly to shake. Holly looked at his hand, a small smirk playing on her lips as she took his hand, shaking it,

"Hi, I'm Holly Richards. Pleased to meet you too." she said. John smiled,

"So, we're good?" he asked. Holly pondered for a moment, before nodding.

"Sure. But, you're probably gonna fall out with me again in a while." she said, her tone serious. John frowned,

"And why's that?" he asked. Holly smirked,

"Because I'm gonna kick your ass at Guitar Hero." she replied, the smirk on her face growing wider. John laughed,

"Oh, we'll see about that one." John said, standing up, offering his hand out to Holly. Holly pushed herself forward to the edge of her bunk, taking John's hand as he helped her stand up.

Sometime into the game, it was clear that John was crap at Guitar Hero; Holly was beating him 34,647 to 23,228. Facing him, Holly grinned cheekily. "I think it's safe to say that I've won."

"Oh, no, you haven't." John chuckled. "You're not winning that easy," Reaching forward, his gangly arms reached out for Holly's guitar controller as she squealed and tried to dodge him. Unfortunately for her, John was faster and soon had his arms wrapped around her. "Gotcha," He whispered, spinning her around so that when she had completed the turn, she was pressed up against his chest. The pair fell silent, an awkward tension starting to build. John placed his finger under Holly's chin, bringing her face up so that their eyes could lock. For what seemed like years, they both just stood there, looking at each other. Holly shook her head, looking down at the floor,

"Don't ruin this now, John." she said, trying to step out of John's embrace, only to have him pull her closer again. John ignored her, using the hand that wasn't wrapped around her waist and keeping her close to him, and brought it up to her face, cupping her cheek,

"Have you even considered this, Holly?" he asked. Holly shook her head, her expression never changing,

"There's nothing to consider, John. You're with Cody, I'm with Pat. And that's the way it's going to stay." she replied. John nodded, then smirked.

"I never said anything about not being with Cody or Pat, did I?" he said, smugly. Holly looked back at John, an expression which was unreadable adorning her face. John shrugged, "So, what do you say to it?" he asked. Holly didn't say anything, she simply stood on her toes and pressed her lips against his.