Status: it's all finished, check out the sequal :]

One girl. Six Guys. Oh the possibilities (Completed)

This fire rising through my being

We got home and everyone was already asleep. There were probably having fun at the looks of this place.

“You want to sleep in my room tonight?” Max asked. I raised an eyebrow and his eyes widened.

“No strings attached,” he quickly replied ruffling his hair. I couldn’t help but smile.

“Sure let me go change,” I walked to my room and found the bed empty.

Either Mira was gone, as in she went back to her apartment, which I doubt. Or she is in the house, just in someone else’s room. And I had a feeling I knew who that someone else is.

I changed into my purple boxer shorts and put on my blue tank top. I brushed my teeth and put my hair into a bun. Then I tip toed silently to Ryan’s room. I crack the door opened and found Mira and Ryan, with there cloths on, Ryan’s arm was wrapped around Mira. I silently gushed over it in my head and closed the door and walked to Max’s room.

I’m going to make fun over her tomorrow.

Max had his bathing suit shorts on, obviously because I was here, I knew he sleeps in his boxers, and he had no shirt on. And let me tell you, I could stop looking at his built chest.

“My eyes are up here Carmen,” Max said pulling my face up with his finger.

“Well maybe if you had a shirt on your chest would have to be staring me in the eyes,” I said playfully slapping his hand away.

“No I think I like it better this way,” his arms circled around me as he gave me a hug. The electricity ran through my body as his bare chest touch my body. He let go smiling, I was in a daze for a second, but I snapped out and hopped into his bed.

He chuckled and climbed in. I felt his arms snake around my waist pulling me closer to his chest again.

This time I turned and wrapped my arms around his neck, I heard his intake of breath. Two can play at this game.

“Why did it take you so long to ask me to be your girlfriend?” I asked out of curiosity. He smiled lightly, rubbing the small of my back.

“I was scared of being rejected,” he said simply. I kissed his neck, then lips.

“Good, because I would’ve rejected you anyways,” he smiled bigger then kissed my nose.

“Well I soo know that now,” I smiled and yawned tired.

He reached over and turned off the lamp.

“Goodnight Carmen,”

“Goodnight Max and I had a good time,” I whispered, letting my eyes close.

I felt him hug me tighter to his body.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so tell me what you guys think.


the next chapter is in Max's POV

maybe I'll update again???

Title Credits- FlyLeaf (all around me)

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