Status: it's all finished, check out the sequal :]

One girl. Six Guys. Oh the possibilities (Completed)

Pop a bitch

Carmen's POV

I stared in shock as Penelope kissed Max. He struggled under her lips, as if trying not to hurt her, but trying to get her off. Then with one hard force Max pushed her, she trip and fell ass first into the water. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Did that chick do what I think she did?" Mira asked holding a marshmallow. My anger came back to me. Stupid bitch. I walked over to Penelope as she got out of the freezing water teeth clatter. She stared at me and then smiled.

"That will teach you to steal people boy friends," she snarled. I rolled my eyes and started laughing.

"You think that kissing Max is going to make me jealous?" I whispered sinisterly. She scowled and began to walk away laughing.

"By the way Penelope," I started. She turned, and I cocked my fist back. "Your fired!" I let my hand move forward smacking her square in the face. There was a crack and I knew I busted her nose.

She attempted to punch me back, but I easily dodged it then trip her.

"Bitch!" Mira yelled as she ran to Penelope. Ryan grabbed her in the attempt, stopping her.

"Aww come on, just one punch in the face, please," she whined. "Carmen get's all the fun,"

Penelope held her nose as she cursed out letting profanities fill the air. "You better watch out Carmen, and red head, you couldn't even punch me. That was a sucker punch, you stupid whores" and with that she stumbled back to her car.

"Yea, I'm a red head and proud of it. And your the one stalking ex's just to kiss them, so who you calling a whore, fucking ass wipe!" Mira shouted raising her fist in the air. She still struggled to get out of Ryan's hold, but he had her in a bear hug.

" Yea you better walk away, you stupid cunt!" she shouted. I smiled, Mira is too hot to handle.

Gabriel came up behind me laughing. "Ohh Carm, you pop that bitch good," I laughed and noticed all the guys gathered around.

"I taught her that one," I hear Rodney say. I noticed that Max wasn't here. I looked behind me and saw that he sat on the sand, staring into the ocean. I sighed and walked over to him.

"Max," I said falling into his lap. He smiled. "Why are you sitting here?" I asked, flipping some of his hair out of his face.

"I feel so dirty, I can't believe I let her get that close to me," he whispered. I heard the stress in his voice.

"I'm sorry Carmen," he whispered. I grabbed his had and entwined our fingers.

"It's okay Max, don't beat yourself over it," I whispered. He sighed twirling some of my curly hair, but he didn't say anything.

"Max," he looked up at me with his soft blue eyes. I stared back. Then he
finally smiled.

"Okay, I love you and only you," he whispered.

"I know you do love, know get up I want smores," I said pulling him up. He caught me by my waist and leaned in.

"Uhm Max?" I said stopping him.

"Hmm," he hummed eyes still closed.

"I really want to kiss you but, she just practically ate your lips," He opened his eyes confused.

"I mean that's like double dipping don't c'ha think?" I asked. His eyes looked sadden and then he shot his bottom lip out pouting. I just couldn't resist.

"Okay fine, one peck," I warned not wanting her germs on me. He smirked but before I could stop him he smashed his lip onto mines. I stared laughing as he practically lick my face

"Max!" I yelled giggling. He stopped and I took a step back, he did to. I looked at him with a questioned look. He immediately took off running to me. My feet didn't seem to comply with my mind so I didn't move fast enough. He came and scooped me up tickling me til I couldn't breath.

"Maxxx," I whinned.

"Okay okay," he said putting me down. I smiled and grabbed his hand walking to the fire, where everyone else sat. I watched as Mira smirked at me. I tried hard not to blush.

Everyone except Gabriel, Blake and Rodney had girl friends/boy friends.

"You guy need chicks," Mira noticed. Gabriel laughed and stuffing his mouth with smores.

"I already have one thank you," he replied. I raised an eyebrow.

"And who would that be," I said curling up into Max chest.

"Oh yea that Randa girl you were telling me about right," Max said.

"Yes and it's Randi," he corrected. I was a little hurt, Gabriel didn't tell me he had a girl. He saw my looked and immediately responded.

"Carmen I love you like a sister, but frankly, you would have scared her off," I gasped, adding some dramatic effect.

"I would never," I replied. I heard Max chuckle from under me.

"You did it to me, many times," Max said. I turned around to face him.

"Well that's because you date skanks," I replied.

"Well he is dating you, isn't he," I heard Rodney said. The guys began to howl with laughter, I could see Mira trying hard not to. I gave Max a look before he could even think about laughing.

I grabbed a hand full of sand and chucked it at Rodney. Perfect timing. His mouth was wide open and he began chocking on the sand. I giggled, and Mira high fived me.

I got up and went to the cooler and grabbed a soda. I gave it a good shake and went to Rodney.

I smiled and handed him the soda. "I'm sorry Rod, truce," he took a skeptical look at me, but non the less took the soda. I took a much need step back as Rodney opened the soda. It began to fizz, then exploded in his face.

I doubled over laughing so hard. Everyone joined in.

"Ha ha Carmen," Rodney said smiling.

"Karma Rodney, karma," Mira said laughing.

I went and sat back down on Max and watched the sunset.

I love these guys.
♠ ♠ ♠
Whoaa long onee.

I just had to get everything on this chapter.

It came out longer then I expected.

But I love this chapter :)))))))))

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