Status: it's all finished, check out the sequal :]

One girl. Six Guys. Oh the possibilities (Completed)

Bring a knife to a gun fight

A few days passed and we were bored out of our minds, so we decided to make tonight a clubbing night for all of us. And when I say all I mean all of us. Including the infamous twins Arielle and Ariann. Confusing much?

Blake and Rodney decided to invite the twin girls, who they were getting pretty serious with.

I looked at myself one last time in the mirror. I had on electric blue skinny jeans and a black and white zebra print tee. Too tired of heels, I put on my black converse hi-tops. I let my hair hang down straight.

"Carmen, you look pretty as always," Max said giving me a kiss on my lips. He began to pull back, but I stretched on my toes, pressing my lips harder on to his. I pulled back and smirked at him, he was blushing.

"I love you," I said grabbing his hand. He gave it a squeezed for a reply as we hopped into Shane's car. Of course we couldn't fit with Claire and Randi there, so Mira went carpooling with Ryan.

My phone vibrated and I looked at the message.

Mira: sex.

I groaned and laughed. She has been pestering me about this on and on.

---20 mins---
The club as usually was packed, but we found room to dance around. I grabbed Max's hand and started dancing with him, once some Escape the Fate song came on.

My hands went up on his neck, while his went around my hips, pulling me closer to him. It seemed like we where dancing forever, our eyes never leaving each other, when Mira butted in asking for a dance with her best friend.

I laughed and gave Max a kiss, before he wondered off.

"Did you get my message?" Mira asked grabbing my hand and twirling me around.

"Yes I did," I yelled over the loud music. She pointed at the bar and I nodded following her.

"Did you meet the twins?" I shook my head no.

"Well here they come now," Mira said nodding her head towards the other side of the bar.

I spotted two girls with jet black hair approaching us. They looked deathly alike.

I smiled and shook both their hands.

"You must be Arielle and you must be Ariann," I said first pointing to the one with the nose ring, then the one with the lip ring.

They nodded their heads, laughing.

"You're the first person to ever get that right. How did you know?" said Arielle.

"Dumb luck I guess?" I took a sip of my Shirlee Temple that Mira had ordered for me and looked around the club searching for Max. I couldn't find him.

He must be in the bathroom.

"So which one of you is dating Rodney?" Mira asked. I gave her a weird look and she shrugged her shoulders saying she had to ask.

Ariann raised her hand blushing.

"He just understands me and he is nice and caring. And when he is with me I see a whole new side of him," she explained.

"Wow, that sounds nothing like Rodney," I said in total aw. I spotted Max, dancing with some chick, or more like the girl was attacking him with her body. I sighed.

No biggy Carmen, just chill. Relax.

"Jealous," I heard Mira whisper in my ear. I turned and slapped her playfully in the arm.

"No defiantly not," I stated. I will not be that jealous girl friend. Until Max gives me reason to, I will always trust him.

"So how old are you guys?" I asked changing the subject.

"Were nineteen, turning twenty in like two months," Arielle said. I nodded and told them my age. We were silent for a second watching the as the DJ threw glow sticks into the crowd, like he always did.

"Alright I'm going to dance with Ryan," Mira said. I waved goodbye.

"We have to go to the bathroom, be back in a few," Arielle said. I smiled and watched them walk off. They were very pale and they had deep brown eyes. Props to Gab and Rod, the twins were very pretty.

I felt a huge weight on my shoulder. I turned and spotted a hairy guy, he wrenched of alcohol.

"Hey toots, wanna dance," he slurred. Disgusted I peeled his hand off my shoulders.

"How 'bout no," I said as politely as I could. He made a face and put his arms around my hips, moving them. I tried to ply his hands off but he was too strong.

"Hey fat ass, get the fuck off me," I growled. He grinded his body on mines and I felt violated. I yelled Max's name but the music was too loud.

"I like them feisty," he slurred.

"I'll give you feisty," I gave him a knee to the gut, but him being too drunk didn't feel anything. I tried running, but he just grabbed me back.

"Give me some sugar," he yelled as he hooked his hands on the back of my head. I pulled my hand back to punch him, but he grabbed it pinning it to my side.

"Oh no you don't," he yelled.

"Max!" I yelled one last time before the man planted his wet, nasty, lips on to mines. My mouth was open, because I tried to scream, so his tongue easily entered my mouth. I pulled his hair trying to get him off me but he wouldn't. Finally I gave up and let the tears flow down my cheeks.

When the man finally got what he wanted he pulled back smirking. But I wasn't looking at him, I was staring at Max, who was staring at me, with the most emotionless face I have ever seen on him.

I took a step towards him, my hands reaching for him. Then he snapped out of his phase and walked to the man that kissed me. He pulled his hand back and punched him square in the jaw, took one look at me and walked out of the club.

My heart dropped like an anchor.

"Hey Carmen, are you okay," Mira asked returning to me. I replayed the scene in my head as to what just happened. Max can't possibly think I was making out with that man.

"Are you crying? Carmen!" Mira yelled. She grabbed my shoulders shaking my hard, churning up my stomach. I tasted the mans spit and alcohol in the mouth and made a run to the bathroom. I slammed the bathroom stall and leaned over the toilet bowl, throwing up.

This isn't happening.
♠ ♠ ♠

do not kill me.


Title Credits- Bring a knife to a gun fight (cool band)
^^hot topic's new band
lol will Carmen and Max be over? only time will tell mwuahahahaha :)

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