Status: it's all finished, check out the sequal :]

One girl. Six Guys. Oh the possibilities (Completed)

Trust issues

I blinked away the last of my tears as Mira rubbed my back comfortingly. And surprisingly I wasn't sad, I was pissed. I'm not going to be one of those girl friends that cry there eyes out, begging for the guy to take them back. Obviously Max didn't trust me, and frankly I could careless.

"Come on Carmen just talk to him," Mira said. I had asked her to stay in the car with me because I didn't want to see Max. I couldn't believe Max didn't even talk to me. The drive home was in complete silence and he didn't look at me once.

"No," I mumbled. Mira laughed softly and opened her door. I looked at her confused.

"This is so childish Carm, just go talk to him, he obviously didn't know the guy was harassing you,"

"Yea and he obviously doesn't trust me," I snapped back. She sighed.

"Carmen, I know you want to be with him right now,"

I thought about this for a second. A part of me did want to be with him right now. I love Max and nothing can change that, but right now I'm really mad at him.

"Fine, I'll talk, but it doesn't mean I will forgive him," I mumbled. Mira satisfyingly led me to the house and to Max's room. The guys knew about the situation but since they didn't really see what happened they didn't want to side with either me or Max.

I took a deep breath and knocked on his door.

"Who is it?" he yelled.

"It's me," I whispered. I didn't here anything so I opened the door. Max sat on his bed, channel surfing. I waited for him to look at me but he never did.

I grabbed the remote from him and turned off the T.V.

"What the hell?!" he yelled.

"Seriously Max, stop the ignoring me facade, because it's really pissing me off!" I yelled being pushing past my limit.

He ruffled his hair and let out a frustrated sigh. I looked into his deep blue eyes and saw sadness.

I put the remote back down and crossed my arms. He looked at me, then stood up.

"Well Carmen, shouldn't you be apologizing?"

My temper rose and I found my hand rising, slapping him in the face.

"I don't have to apologize to you. Maybe if you weren't too busy dancing with your slut, you could have see that I was being harassed!" I yelled.

His face changed to realization and he brought his arms around me. For one second I was lost in his musky, yet sweet scent, but it was only one second.

"Carmen, I'm sorry I didn't know," he whispered. I scoffed and pushed him back.

"That's right you didn't know," I took a step back and looked at him.

"How was I supposed to know that you weren't just kissing him?" he retorted.

"How about trust!" I yelled. "I called your name out twice. Twice Max!" I was passed my boiling point.

"Carmen please," he walked to my rubbing my arm slowly. "I'm sorry,"

"Sorry is just a word," I mumbled, I knew I was losing the fight. He kissed my cheek. I knotted my hands in his hair and brought his lips to mines.

I pulled back.

"Max you have to trust me," I whispered. He ruffled his hair and looked down.

"Do you?" I asked picking his face up. He looked at me but said nothing.

"Max," I said. He grabbed my hand and took it off his face.

"I do trust you, it's just," he paused.

"It's just what Max?" I pulled back from his hold and looked at him in disbelief.

"Any time I look at you I see that guys face on yours," he whispered. My anger was coming back.

"What are you talking about Max?" I snapped. He sat down on his bed and rubbed his face, frustrated.

"It's just Carmen you are my first serious relationship and I don't want to get hurt,"

"So you automatically don't trust me?" I asked.

"I-I-," he stuttered. I shook my head and walked to the door.

"You were my first Max, if that doesn't give you reason to trust me, I don't know what will," I said. I wiped a stray tear.

"Carmen," he started. I opened the door and walked to my room. I grabbed a bag and stuffed some cloths into it.

"Carmen did you talk? Wait where are you going?" Mira asked coming through the door.

"Mi, can we stay at your apartment?" I asked. She looked confused but nodded her head.

"What happened?" she asked.

"He doesn't trust me," I whispered. I grabbed my things and headed out the house.
♠ ♠ ♠

SOOO SORRY, forgive me?

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Will Max be able to trust Carmen, even though she didn't do anything?
Or is Carmen a bit pig headed and stubborn ?

I may update again, in Max POV


Michael Jackson-one on the best pop singers.
Farrah Fawset- a great actress.