Status: it's all finished, check out the sequal :]

One girl. Six Guys. Oh the possibilities (Completed)

Carmen Julie Giovanni; Front page

-2 days-


I sighed and hung up the phone. That would be the tenth time I called her today. It has been two days, and I was going crazy for Carmen.

Flash Back

"Carmen, I'm sorry," I whispered knocking on her door lightly.

"I honestly trust you with all my heart and I love you. I admit was a little jealous. Okay scratch that I was really jealous," I waited for a reply but nothing came.

"Carmen?" I pushed her door open and found nothing. I ran outside and didn't find her car or Mira's.

"Ryan where's Carmen?" I asked. Ryan plopped down onto the couch.

"She went to stay at Mira apartment," My heart sunk. She left.


I grabbed my keys and headed out. I circled around the neighborhood.

Why did I have to say that? God, I can't stand the fact knowing she is just ten minutes away and I'm not with her. I want to wrap my arms around her and smell her sweet strawberry scent. I missed her, and I'm an idiot.

My phone vibrated. A text.

Carmen: Do you trust me yet?

My heart ached. I found my hand fumbling over the keys to text her back.

With all my heart. I miss you and I want you back I sent it and waited for a reply.

I snapped out of my daze when the cars behind me began to honk. I sighed and parked at the curb near a news letter stand.

I watched as the old man sold his news papers, when something caught my eye. I got out of the car and went to the man. I grabbed the news paper and read the front page.

Mysterious Disappearance of Carmen Julie Giovanni

After vanishing from a fire from which her parents were killed from, has the young girl, who would now be 19 been found? Young daughter of wealthy man Ricki Jones, Penelope Jones tells our sources that she was friends with Carmen before she even realized she was the missing girl. Has she been found? Police are know investigating.

I stared at the newspaper in pure shock.

Carmen's POV

I read the text as I sipped on my hot chocolate and my heart flutter. Spending time away from Max had helped me realized that I needed him even more. And I was tired of being away from him. I was about to send him a text when someone plopped a news paper in front of me.

I looked up and found that person to be Penelope. She smiled and sat down on the seat in front of me. I was at Starbucks, while Mira was out with Ryan.

"It's funny what money can get you, right Carmen Julie Giovanni," she hissed the last part. I looked up shocked. She knew

"Oh don't give me that look," she said, like it was a normal conversation. She took out a nail filer and began filing her nails. I looked down at the newspaper and read the title.

Mysterious Disappearance of Carmen Julie Giovanni

After vanishing from a fire from which her parents were killed from, has the young girl, who would now be 19 been found? Young daughter of wealthy man Ricki Jones, Penelope Jones tells our sources that she was friends with Carmen before she even realized she was the missing girl. Has she been found? Police are know investigating.

I grabbed the newspaper and threw it at her.

"What the fuck is this?" I yelled. She laughed and blew the dust off her nails.

"I think you know perfectly well what it is Carmen," she sneered. My jaw clenched and my hands rolled up into a fist.

"You thought you could hide. Daddy said he would pay for anything I needed, so I thought why not a private investigator?"

My head was spinning.

"So, I think I could keep this little secret of yours if you do one thing," she paused from her nails and looked at me.

"You take a plane and leave this state and never come back. And dump Max," she said.

I laughed surprising myself. I grabbed my hot chocolate and flung it at her.

"Go to hell bitch!" I yelled. I walked to my car and received a message from Max.

Max: Your in the newspaper.

I shook my head. I was outraged, surprised and scared. What if they found me? What would they do?

I know. I texted back.
♠ ♠ ♠
TWO UPDATES, because I was sorry about not updating for like five days

OMG, I wasn't originally going to make this happen until later on in the story, but more action more fun.

What is going to happen?

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