Status: it's all finished, check out the sequal :]

One girl. Six Guys. Oh the possibilities (Completed)

Phase One: Befriend the Enemy

Ahh the joy of the New York phone book. I smiled as I skimmed the pages and found Mr.Jones office number. I put the number into my phone and a pressed send. After a few rings the secretary picked up.

"Hello, Jones offices," she had the voice of one of those snotty secretaries. The one that have nothing better to do then answer phones all day. Of course that what they do, but some are nicer then others.

This was phase one of the plan. Mira and Ryan, where out tracking down Mr. Jones.

Shane, Rodney and Max were at Esme's telling her about my plan, which she had very much agreed to and they were getting much need supplies. They were also trying to find out details about Jones&Co, which is a business Mr.Jones runs.

Gabriel and Blake where driving around, hitting all the high fashioned stores like Gucci, Vera Wang and Dior where they were sure they would find Penelope, wasting away her dad's money.

In my mind fighting fire with fire, was only going to make a bigger fire. So I was going to fight fire with water. Oh yes, water.

I put on my best snotty voice.

"Yes, uhm, who are you?" I sneered. I could hear her scoff on the other side of the line.

"No the question is what do you want?" she snapped back. I smiled, I knew I was getting to her.

"Well, Penelope told me to call this number so you could give me her number, duuh," I replied exaggerating the duh.

"Well why didn't she just give you her number?" she asked.

"I don't know, she like said that's what secretaries are totally for," I replied. I could hear her intake of breath.

"She did didn't she?" she asked.

"Yea and she also said that your like a skank and that you should like not even have been hired by her dad, because the business is too good for you. Whoops! I wasn't supposed to say that," I said, smiling wildly.

"Well you could just tell her to take that stick that she has up her ass, and shove down her throat. I quit!" she yelled.

"Wait, can you please give me her number and maybe her dads too?" I asked.

She sighed and gave me both numbers mumbling "Good for nothing son of a bitches, they are," under her breath. I hung up pleased with my self.

My phone vibrated. A text.

Gabriel: We found her, she just pulled into Planet Smoothie.

I text back, a thanks and hopped into my car. Another text.

Mira: Did you know Mr. Jones is having an affair?.

I gasped and waited til I got to a stop light to text her back.

What?!? Who and make sure you get pictures.

The plan was going way better then I expected. I pulled into Planet Smoothie, and sure enough I spotted the infamous, one of a kind silver Mercedes, with pink rimmed wheels, and pink interior.

I gagged, she is such a girl. I grabbed my bag, and put on my sunglasses. I entered the store and instantly smelled the fruits and chocolates, being mix into a beverage.

I looked around and spotted her immediately. She was flirting with a waiter, of course.

I walked over and took a seat in the seat in front of her.

"Excuse me? This is a private table!" she snapped. She looked up and immediately recognized me.

"Oh, it's you, what do you want?" she waved the waiter away, giving him a wink. I swallowed the vomit that came up my throat.

"I dumped Max," I simple said. Her eyebrows rose and she flipped her blonde hair, slapping the person behind her, with her hair.

"You came to your senses," she replied. I nodded and called the waiter over asking for two banana smoothies.

"My treat," I said gritting my teeth. I really didn't want to do this. But I had to.

"Well thanks," she said hesitating. I nodded and excepted the drinks from the waiter handing her one.

"So what's with this?" she asked. I shrugged not really knowing what to say. I hadn't exactly made up a speech for this.

"I guess your right. Max isn't for me. And I actually think you are cool," I choked the last part. She gave me a look. You know that look where the person knows something is not right, but because your in the spur in the moment you decide not to say anything.

"Well your not as dumb as you look," I thanked her for that some-what-comment. She looked at me absolutely astounded but she didn't say anything.

"So let me guess, you aren't living New York are you?" she asked. I shook my head.

"I actually am not, I want you to keep my secret though," I whispered the last part not sure as to how she was going to react.

"Really and what's to say I will?" she asked. I nodded, I knew exactly how to deal with these girls.

"Like I so love your hair. How did you get it so bouncy and so lushes?" I asked changing the topic.

She smiled and flicked her hair again, slapping the person.

"Omg, my hair stylist, Stephan, he is so good. It's just something he is a natural at, but he doesn't need to work that hard, I'm already gorgeous as it is" she said like a conceded bitch.

I held back my reply and smiled.

"And your skin it's like so flawless," I said mentally telling myself to bite my tongue and not say anything else.

She rubbed her face. "I know I was born like this,"

My ASS, she probably sold out Proactiv. I thought in my head.

"Well I never knew you were this smart," she said sipping on her smoothie. I laughed bitterly, but she didn't notice.

"So friends?" I asked. She looked thoughtful.

"Sure, you just have to stay away from Max" she hissed. I put on a fake smile.

In your dreams bitch I thought.

"Sure, just keep my secret," I said.

"Your secret is safe with me," she said. I smiled and she smiled back. I knew inside she knew I was a bitch and I knew she was a bitch. But when it comes to getting even, she didn't know who she was messing with.

Phase one: Complete
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whoaa long one :)

this is just the beginning though :)

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