Status: it's all finished, check out the sequal :]

One girl. Six Guys. Oh the possibilities (Completed)

You wanna what?

A few weeks had passed by and Mr.Jones was keeping his side of the bargain. Penelope had told me that she couldn't find any of the papers and I was sure that her dad had already burn them. But we can't be too sure about somethings.

"I'm so tired," I huffed laying down onto Max's chest. We were still surveying Penelope and Mr.Jones to make sure they weren't doing anything they weren't supposed to be doing and I had to go to work. I was getting really exhausted.

"I'm sorry Carmen," Max whispered rubbing my back. I smiled lightly as his voice was lulling me asleep.

"Hey Carmen do you wanna go out today?" he suddenly asked. I yawned slightly and picked my head up to see him.

"What?" I asked confused. He chuckled and kissed my nose.

"Out, like not in this house?" I asked. He nodded his head and pulled me up to sit on his lap.

"Yes Carmen," he kissed my lips and I was immediately woken up. I smiled into the kiss and place my hand on the back of his head deepening the kiss.

"Is that a yes?" he mumbled. I laughed but nodded. I got up giving him one last kiss before I went back to my room to go put something on.


"Hey where are you going?" Mira asked sticking her head out from Ryan's room.

"Out Max what's to take me out," I quickly put my hair up into a clean pony tail and looked into the mirror. I looked okay.

"Well have fun then," she said happily. I nodded and headed back to Max's room where he just finished getting dressed.


"Don't you look nice," I smiled watching as he ruffled his hair.

"You look amazing too Carmen," he got his keys and wallet and grabbed my hand leading me to the door.

"We'll be back later guys," Max said. Shane lifted his head up from making-out with Claire and waved goodbye to us.

Pacific Café

"This is a nice place Max," I looked over the cafe. It was Paris themed, with dim lighting, just a romantic place.

I thanked the waiter as he brought me my glass of Doctor Pepper. Yes Doctor Pepper.

"Carmen I wanna talk to you about something," Max said after a short period of time. I smiled and looked into his blue-grey eyes. Till this day his eyes still took my breath away.

"Okay Max," I said setting my bread stick down. He ruffled his hair and took my hand, playing with my fingers.

"Carmen I wanna find my parents," he whispered. My stomach knotted a little. I could never find my parents, because there dead.

"Okay, that's great," I choked. He looked at me for awhile and smiled.

"I want you to come with me," he whispered. I shook my head confused.

"Don't they live in New York?" I asked. He shook his head.

"I was reading a newspaper, they moved to San Fran, they have been looking for me for 11 years Carmen, I want to find them. I want to know if they have another son or daughter. I want to know if there even still together. I want to know if there even alive," he whispered.

The last part caught me by surprise and I released my hand from his.

"Carmen you know I don't mean anything by it," he whispered trying to grab my hand, but I crossed my arms.

"Well at least you get to find your parents," tears burned down my cheek and my voice became hoarse.

"Carmen I love you and I just want you to come with me," he reassured me. I sniffled and wiped the tears.

"Does anyone else know?" I asked. He ruffled his hair and looked down at his lasagna.

"Well everyone except Mira," he whispered. I was angry, but I kept it down.

"Why am I the last to know Max?" He grabbed my hand, this time he held it firmly and placed one hand on my cheek rubbing it softly.

"Because I love you and I didn't know how to tell you," I took a deep breath and relaxed my face into his hand.

"I love you too," I whispered. I can't honestly say that I'm not mad, but what's the point of being mad. Max has his own mind and it's his body. I can't stop him.

"When are you going?" I asked. He cleared his throat and shrugged his shoulders.

"Two months maybe one, I really want to find them," I sighed because I didn't know what to say.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yum, all that food made me hungry. :)
This is a twist isn't it. Max what's to find his parents. Carmen is surprised, will she go? or not?

I am thinking about making a sequel after I finished by second story: My dad's in the Mob?!?


My devoted Fans
-x Fearless Dreams x (I absolutely adore her comments)
-DyingTears (first commenter)
-bloodiprincess (she was with me since the begginning. she just didn't comment that much :]

*Thank you for being there for me from the very first chapter I LOVE YOU :)*

I put up the summary of my new story. It's only the summary.
So read it: 'Ello Govna