Status: it's all finished, check out the sequal :]

One girl. Six Guys. Oh the possibilities (Completed)

Communication: The first C in a good relationship

Right now Max and I weren't really communicating. Well we were talking about stuff, but when ever he brought up the 'Parent thing' I would just say 'I have to go pee' or 'I'm hungry' or 'Let's talk about it later'. A week passed by and I could tell he was getting really agitated.

"So he wants to find his parents, let him," Mira said one day, after I explained everything to her. I sighed and nibbled on my biscuit. I did want him to find his parents, just because I don't have mines doesn't mean that I should deprive someone of meeting there's.

"But Mi," I whined. She shook her head and dipped her biscuit into the gravy.

"No buts Carmen, let him do it. Stop being so selfish let him do it," she said sternly.

I was being selfish? I sighed and thanked Mira for the talk and wondered down to Max's room. I opened the door and he was plopped down of his bed watching Fairly Odd Parents.
I laughed a little.

He looked up and smiled and patted the spot next to him. I smiled and sat down and he immediately wrapped his arms around me. I took in his musky, yet sweet smell and felt like I could sit here forever. But I needed to talk to him. I turn and gave him a quick kiss, shutting off the T.V.

"Max we need to talk," he looked at me worried. I grabbed his and gave it a squeezed.

"About your parents," I notioned, he was getting worked up for nothing. He nodded and let out his breath.

"You can go. And you don't need my permission to do so," I stated. He smiled and rubbed my cheek with his thumb.

"But I'm not coming with you," I whispered. His eyes widen.

"But Carm," he whispered. I shook my head.

"No buts Max," I said stealing Mira's line. He shook his head and stood up.

"Why?" he asked. I stood up to and wrapped my arms around his waists, hugging him tightly.

"Max, you're going to find your parents, who have been looking for you for about 11 years. That's kinda personal. And I think it's best that you give them one surprise at a time," I smiled at the last part. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my hair.

"I still want you to come," he whispered. I looked up at him. I stretched up on my toes and kissed his nose.

"No, how long do you think it will take?" he shrugged.

"Could take one week, could take one year," he laughed at the last part. I slapped his chest playfully.

"Stop joking, " I snapped. He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"I couldn't be away from you that long anyways," I smiled, he still made my heart flutter.

"Okay so then it's decided," I said. He nodded and lift me up failing towards the bed. I laughed and layed on his chest as he rubbed my back.

"I love you Carm," he whispered. I smiled and kissed his lips as a reply.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short but sweet, if I do say so :)

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the prologue has been added to my new story. If you want to read it. Click here. Read it and tell me what you think :)