Status: it's all finished, check out the sequal :]

One girl. Six Guys. Oh the possibilities (Completed)

Now boarding

I woke up to something constantly touching my nose. When I opened my eyes, Max was kissing it repeatedly, I smiled.

"Time to get up Carmen," he whispered. I nodded and he gave me on more kiss on my nose. I took a deep breath, wrapping the sheet over me and got up. I brushed my teeth and put on some skinny jeans and a baby doll and my Hurley jacket. I plopped down and pulled on my knee length boots.

Everyone woke up early to see Max off. The guys giving him a hand shake and a pat on the back and Mira giving him a big hug. After everyone bid there goodbyes, I grabbed Max's hand, he grabbed his bag with the other and we walked out the door.

The ride to the JFK airport was silent. I think it was because we were anticipating our goodbye. We got through the check out lines fairly quick and before I knew it we where sitting in chairs waiting for the plan to board.

"Why are you so quiet?" Max whispered brushing a piece of my hair off my face. I turned to face him and smiled lightly.

“Why are you so quiet?” I asked. He chuckled lightly and placed his hand on my face.

“I’m going to miss you,” he whispered. I took in a shaky breath. This is exactly what I was anticipating. I leaned in and kissed his lips.

“I know, I will miss you too Max,” I whispered.

”Now boarding flight 01245 to San Francisco,” the lady on the intercom announced. We stood up, I looked towards the line it was pretty long.

Max wrapped his arms around me and I wrapped mines around his waist, barring my face into his chest. He softly stroked my hair and then he pulled my face up to meet his and kissed my lips softly.

“I love you,” I mumbled. He took his lips off mines and smiled.

“I love you more,” he whispered. I shook my head and rolled my eyes. I looked towards the line, it was getting shorter.

“I heard those San Fran chicks are pretty hot,” I said. Max smiled and rolled his eyes.

“No one but you Carmen, you know that,” he whispered tracing my face. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath letting in his smell. I sighed; I was going to miss this.

“Carmen its okay,” he whispered. I opened my eyes.

“Call me,” I whispered.

“Every hour,” he whispered. I smiled.

“Text me,”

“Every second,” I giggled a little. And he brought his lips to mines once more; I knotted my fingers in his hair, after a moment we pulled back.

“I have to,” he started. I placed my lips on his, and then pulled back.

“I know, go,” I whispered wiping a tear. He smiled and gave me once last big hug, before he walked to the gate.

“I love you!” he shouted. I smiled.

“I love you more,” I mouthed. He chuckled once, before he entered the gate.

I waved goodbye.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry for not updating in a while. I was soo busy.

btw; did you guys see harry poitter? I did, I think it could have been better, sadky, but it was kay.

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next one up shortly. It is also the last one