Status: it's all finished, check out the sequal :]

One girl. Six Guys. Oh the possibilities (Completed)

F- is for friends

We piled into Shane’s Escalade and drove to club Destynee. The line was huge, but of course we were frequent clubbers so we had fast passes. We went into the club without breaking a sweat.

Today the theme was a Rave Party. The room was dark but was brightened by a flash of neon green and pink lights every second. Glow sticks were being thrown from the DJ stand as Untouched by the Veronicas played.

I immediately pulled whoever was standing next to me and began to dance. It was Blake. His highlighted brown hair was neon green as the light flashed on his head. The music was pulling me closer to him as we began to grind. I felt his hands go to my butt as I turned my back towards his chest. I laughed and lifted his hand off my butt and turned to face him and let his hand rest on my hips while my hand went to his neck.

At that moment I connected with Blake in a way I never had. I stared into his hazel eyes and felt him leaning, as I did too. Our lips met and I found his tongue gliding into my mouth as mines went into his. The music ended and we pulled away. I don’t know what it was but in that moment I saw Blake in a whole new way. It was like something was there but not what I was looking for.

I smiled and pointed to the bar. He nodded and went off to sit with Max, who I didn’t notice was staring at us.

I walked to the bar and took a seat on the stool.

“What would you like to drink?” asked the bartender, whose name tag read Mirabelle.

I just noticed but she was gorgeous. She had golden brown eyes that were so pretty. Her red hair contrasted, beautifully, with her milky white skin. She had front bangs that were cut right were her eyebrows are. Her hair was so long and sleek. She was breath-taking. But she looked like she was my age. She lied on her job application probably.

She raised an eyebrow. “Oh yea, uhm, can I have a Shirley Temple?” I mumbled. I wasn’t allowed to drink since I was a designated driver.

She laughed and I looked around the club. I spotted Shane making-out with some chick, and oddly I was jealous. I guess I’m over Shane.

Max was talking to Blake and he was drinking a lot. Weird.

“Here’s your Shirley Temple,” said Mirabelle.

“Thanks,” I said sipping and letting the cool mixed drink fill my stomach.

“I take it you can’t drink alcohol because you’re an eighteen year old at a twenty-one and up club, right?” Mirabelle suddenly said.

I was so surprised that I began to choke on my drink. “Uhm and I take it that you’re too young to be working here miss,” I paused and looked at her name tag, “Miss Lie on her job application,”

Her eyes widen and she suddenly covered my mouth with her hand.

“Shhh, do you want me to get fired?” she whispered. I giggled and she smiled.

“You’re funny, what’s your name?” she asked uncovering my mouth.

“Carm-uhm, Julie,” I said forgetting about that my name was on every “Have you Seen Me” sign.

Her eyes narrowed.

“That’s funny now tell me what your real name is “Julie”,” she said putting air quotes around Julie.

And for some strange reason I felt like I could trust her. “Carmen Julie Giovanni,”

She smiled. “Well nice to meet you Carmen and you could call me Mira. You seem really funny we should hang sometime?”
♠ ♠ ♠
okay just for Erinnnn.xo I have decided to update :)

Tile Credits: Spongebob (FUN SONG)

readers; 71 comments; 9 subscribers; 10 :(

I hope I can do better people.

But hope you like btw any suggestions as a last and middle name for Mira?

Send me comments if you have any.