Status: it's all finished, check out the sequal :]

One girl. Six Guys. Oh the possibilities (Completed)

How Can I Decide Whats Right?

Carmen’s POV

I closed the door and took a deep breath. I didn’t need to see his face right now. If he wanted to talk to me he would have to do it when he is less hung-over.

My sidekick vibrated.

Mirabelle: Where are you?

I smiled she was so impatient.

"Im coming, Miss- Impatient :)" I texted back/

I hopped into my Mustang Cobra. A classic, my father was saving for me when I turned sixteen. He always kept it at our beach house in Florida and that’s were I went to get it.

I made a left and turned the radio on. Evanescence ‘Bring Me to Life’ blasted. I followed the instructions Mira gave me to her apartment, and made my way quickly through the New York traffic.

Max’s POV

I’m sorry Carmen. Can we talk? I have something to tell you. I’m not asking you to forgive me Im asking you to listen.

I stared at the text message, my finger lingering on the send button.

Come on Max, why are you so scared?

I took a deep breath and pressed the button. I watched as the message loaded and then sent.

Carmen’s POV

“So let me get this straight. You think Max is mad at you for making out with Blake, but Max was drunk so your not sure if that was him really talking. You’re mad at him for calling you a slut, but this morning he was all chipper and happy go lucky, so you’re not sure if he remembers anything he told you last night. I’m I right?” Mira said while sipping her cappuccino,

“Yes that’s about it. But knowing the guys they probably told him off or something,” I said.

“Well it seems like to me that you have a lover,” she said smiling.

I have found out that Mira is 19 and she got kicked out of her parents’ house when she was caught with drugs at the age of 15. She lived with her parents until she was about 17 and she has been on her own since then. She turned her life around and started working. She is also single. I can just picture her with Ryan.

“What do you mean a lover?” I asked curious.

“Well it’s pretty clear that Max likes you, he was obviously jealous that you kissed Blake and not him, which probably caused him to drink a lot, which probably made him lash out on you,” she said in a know-it-all voice.

“And you know this because?”

“Im just smart,” she said giggling.

My phone vibrated.

“Hold on a sec,”

Maximillan: I’m sorry Carmen. Can we talk? I have something to tell you. I’m not asking you to forgive me Im asking you to listen.

Somewhere deep down inside me wanted me to text him “Fuck off”.

"When and where?" I texted.
♠ ♠ ♠
i just had to put this one up.
It just came to me. This is the last one today though.

Hey guys 16 subscribers !!!
and 119 readers
and 14 comments.

WOW! Im sooo happy.


Title Credits- Paramore (Decode)